I'm getting supplies together for my 3rd cycle. My first was a bulker with 500mg sus/week and 400mg EQ/week, with dbol weeks 1-4 at 25mg/day. I only did it for 10 weeks, but had solid gains. I just finished a cutting cycle with prop/fina/winny. I was doing 60mg/d of fina and 50mg/prop and added winny at the end at 50mg/d. Here is my question...
My next cycle I was thinking about this:
Weeks 1-13 Test E (ICN's) 583mg/week (250mg every 3rd day)
Weeks 1-12 EQ (Sydgroup) 467mg/week (200mg every 3rd day)
Weeks 1-4 Dbol (Thai) 40mg/day
Now, I was thinking about throwing in fina at 75mg/day weeks 5-12. Here's my concern... There's a good chance my first cycle gear was underdosed. It was TT brand so I'm a little weary. I don't want to add too many AS to my cycle because I don't want to lose my potential to grow on the smaller amounts of juice. I know I'll be doing more cycles after this, which I'll probably have to increase my doses. SO, do you think this is a legit thought? Should I stick it out without fina or throw it in? And please think long term here. Don't give me the the more the better shit