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Thread: 3rd cycle, w/ or w/o fina?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

    3rd cycle, w/ or w/o fina?

    I'm getting supplies together for my 3rd cycle. My first was a bulker with 500mg sus/week and 400mg EQ/week, with dbol weeks 1-4 at 25mg/day. I only did it for 10 weeks, but had solid gains. I just finished a cutting cycle with prop/fina/winny. I was doing 60mg/d of fina and 50mg/prop and added winny at the end at 50mg/d. Here is my question...

    My next cycle I was thinking about this:

    Weeks 1-13 Test E (ICN's) 583mg/week (250mg every 3rd day)
    Weeks 1-12 EQ (Sydgroup) 467mg/week (200mg every 3rd day)
    Weeks 1-4 Dbol (Thai) 40mg/day

    Now, I was thinking about throwing in fina at 75mg/day weeks 5-12. Here's my concern... There's a good chance my first cycle gear was underdosed. It was TT brand so I'm a little weary. I don't want to add too many AS to my cycle because I don't want to lose my potential to grow on the smaller amounts of juice. I know I'll be doing more cycles after this, which I'll probably have to increase my doses. SO, do you think this is a legit thought? Should I stick it out without fina or throw it in? And please think long term here. Don't give me the the more the better shit

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    I think you have the right idea, get as much muscle as you can from lower doses, then up it or add a new drug.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    I'd maybe start with 60mg ED of fina, if you think your gear was underdosed from before....just keep enough on hand to bump it up if you want to, that's the best way to do it IMO if you are unsure, in the future, why not just make the fina yourself? you can be positive that the dosages are accurate that way

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    It wasn't the fina that was underdosed, I made it myself last time. I was reffering to my materials from my bulking cycle (test and eq) that were possibly underdosed.

    Quote Originally Posted by McBain
    I'd maybe start with 60mg ED of fina, if you think your gear was underdosed from before....just keep enough on hand to bump it up if you want to, that's the best way to do it IMO if you are unsure, in the future, why not just make the fina yourself? you can be positive that the dosages are accurate that way

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