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Thread: cycle help

  1. #1

    cycle help

    This is my third cycle-I did EQ my first two cycles.

    -I'm running:
    -Sustanon 250mg= 500mg a week (2 shots during the week) (12 weeks)
    -Deca 300mg- 1 cc a week (10 weeks)
    -Armidex at either .25mg or .5mg-the entire cycle
    -clomid post cycle
    -HCG (2 shots of 1,500 I.U.) 3 weeks after my last shot of Sustanon

    *here is my question: should I run armidex at either .25mg or .5mg
    *also do I need to use armidex during my post cycle with clomid.
    *also when should I start using clomid right after my cycle or weight after my HCG shots.

    -I heard that Sustanon will stay in your body for 3-4 weeks after you last shot.

    -Please help.(please make any suggestions I could do to make my cycle better). I do plan on using Sustanon not another Test just because this is the only thing I can get. But I can get orals.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    start the adex off at .5 for the first 4 weeks of your cycle while your levels are wacked out and then cut it back to .25 at week 5. although if you aren't experiencing any sides running it at .5 the entire cycle would be a safe bet.

    after your last injection of the sust the levels will begin to drop and 17-21 days after they will be at their lowest.

    you know how to run the clomid at 300/100/50 for your PCT, right?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    In the gym


    I'd run the Deca@400mg/week. IMO the HCG is optional. And [email protected]/day, till Clomid starts.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    How have you reacted to test in the past? Do you think you need .25mg or .5mg? Start with the lower and watch for the first signs, usually bloating. THen adjust as nessicary.

    I would start HCG the day after your last sust shot, 500ius ED for 20 days then follow immediate with clomid. Going strictly with what you have though, I would do 500ius for 6days starting 2wks after your last shot and then follow immediate with clomid.

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