Alrite, now that my athletic career is officialy over, I am considering going chemical. My Stats are as follows. 5'6", 172, haven't had my bodyfat tested. I played lacrosse through college so my bf% is pretty good and I'd say Im pretty solid. I try to eat as clean as possible and lift on a 3 on 1 off schedule, and have been lifting since junior year of highschool (just graduated college in the spring). 260 bench, 390 squat ran a 4.67 senior year of college. Good genetics(except for the heigh right) and I gain size fairly easily. I have been reading here for the past week or so and wanted to try to put together a first time cycle and get some opinions on it. Im nervous about going in for the first time so I think some of the doses are low from what I've seen represented on the boards so far.
This would be an 8-10 wk cycle. By goals are about 15-20 with 10-15 kept.
wk 1-2:dbol 10mg ED
wk 1-8:Test ethan 200-300mg/wk
wk 1-8:EQ 200-300mg/wk
wk 6-8:winny 50mg EOD
Clomid and nolva on hand, maybe start after last winny just in case (Im nervous about sides I have a propensity for body acne and fell like im extra sweaty sometimes too).
also how much would something like this run me ballpark(if this is a bad question to ask, please just ignore it.)
Thank you bro's for any and all advice.