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Thread: Potential 1st cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    On a field of dreams

    Potential 1st cycle

    Alrite, now that my athletic career is officialy over, I am considering going chemical. My Stats are as follows. 5'6", 172, haven't had my bodyfat tested. I played lacrosse through college so my bf% is pretty good and I'd say Im pretty solid. I try to eat as clean as possible and lift on a 3 on 1 off schedule, and have been lifting since junior year of highschool (just graduated college in the spring). 260 bench, 390 squat ran a 4.67 senior year of college. Good genetics(except for the heigh right ) and I gain size fairly easily. I have been reading here for the past week or so and wanted to try to put together a first time cycle and get some opinions on it. Im nervous about going in for the first time so I think some of the doses are low from what I've seen represented on the boards so far.

    This would be an 8-10 wk cycle. By goals are about 15-20 with 10-15 kept.
    wk 1-2:dbol 10mg ED
    wk 1-8:Test ethan 200-300mg/wk
    wk 1-8:EQ 200-300mg/wk
    wk 6-8:winny 50mg EOD

    Clomid and nolva on hand, maybe start after last winny just in case (Im nervous about sides I have a propensity for body acne and fell like im extra sweaty sometimes too ).

    also how much would something like this run me ballpark(if this is a bad question to ask, please just ignore it.)

    Thank you bro's for any and all advice.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Shortyrock13
    This would be an 8-10 wk cycle. By goals are about 15-20 with 10-15 kept.

    wk 1-4:dbol 30mg ED
    wk 1-10:Test ethan 400-500mg/wk
    wk 1-10:EQ 300-400mg/wk
    wk 7-12:winny 50mg EOD

    also how much would something like this run me ballpark(if this is a bad question to ask, please just ignore it.)
    You might like the EQ, you might not. I didn't.

    Ballpark price - depends where you get it from. I'd say around 400 - winny being the most expensive of course. Test E will be the cheapest. Depends where you get your EQ from, probably 80 for one 200 mg / 10 cc bottle. D-bol, depends what kind you get as well.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    in a room with a buncha damn squids!
    try and bump dbol up to 4 weeks, 20 mg at least. if your nervous about sides run either proviron or nolva throughout.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    10mg dbol - will do nothing - usually 20 is min to have any effect.

    EQ - most people say - if you're not running EQ over 10 weeks - dont' run it at all.

    If you want to run winny: either run 4 weeks EOD or 2 weeks ED.

    If you want a short cycle with your ingredients:
    1-4 dbol 25mg/d
    1-8 test E - I'd say at least 400mg (but if you want you can go lower, but not below 250)
    6-10 winny 50 mg EOD
    11 - Clomid: 300mg 1day/ 100mg 10 days / 50 mg 10 days

    With your gear I'd go:

    1-4 dbol 25mg/d
    1-12 test E - I'd say at least 400mg /week
    1-11 - EQ 300mg/week
    10 -14 winny 50 mg ED
    15 - Clomid: 300mg 1day/ 100mg 10 days / 50 mg 10 days


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    You NEVER want to do any more gear than the LEAST needed to grow!

    1st cycle:
    Test Enanthate 1cc/wk x 12 weeks
    Test Enanthate 1cc/e5d x 12 weeks
    plus anti e's
    plust Clomid PCT

    This should be a standard........see how your body reacts before you pump all of those foreign chemicals into it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  6. #6
    I say your making it alittle more difficult then it is. Use the the KISS principle and run test alone. According to the masses you will not be dissappointed with test as your first cycle.

    Now I just wish I had taken that advice for my first cycle...


  7. #7
    take the dbol every 4 hours to keep blood levels even and I agree, bump it up to at least 20mg. Run that with 500mg of test and that should be all you need for a good forst cycle... EQ is always good to throw in, but I don't think you'll need it right off the bat. I gree you should see how your body reacts first before you start throwing everything else in. You should be good with just test. Dbol will give you a great jump start while the test is kicking in.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    On a field of dreams
    Thanks for the advice so far Bro's. I agree now that the chemical cocktail I proposed was probably a bit much. After looking around the boards some more and doing more research, what would you all think about this one for a first time?

    wk 1-3: dbol -20mg/ed
    wk 1-10: Test eth 300mg/wk
    wk 1-10: provi 25mg/ed

    clomid 2wks after last test shot?

    also, would I need 4wks of dbol to get me to the point to realize the test fx, or is 3 ok? more tweaking, or is this decent for a first low cycle? Thanks again people.

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