I've still got enough fina for another week 1ml ed been 6 weeks gotta get the winstrol done by Oct.6th. going on a cruise. Can i do a half ml each and mix it in the syringe, or go to 1ml each eod?
I've still got enough fina for another week 1ml ed been 6 weeks gotta get the winstrol done by Oct.6th. going on a cruise. Can i do a half ml each and mix it in the syringe, or go to 1ml each eod?
if they are both oil based you can mix them together otherwise i wouldn't do it.
u can do it even if the winny is oil based.....i did it and it was actually easier cuz it would never clog
ive never mixed a waterbase and an oilbase, but i know folks that have, and i know that there is something about that in the educational threads
it looks funny i always kept thinking that i still had bubbles in it meanwhile it was just the winny floatin around in the fina
I have mixed water based winny and oil based gear many times with no problems. While pushing the stopper, during an injection, it may fell kinda funny because the water based gear pushes a lot easier thru the pin than the oil based gear.
You can mix them with no problem regardless of what carrier they are using.
Unless you are doing site enhancement injections you should be drinking the winny and not shooting it. Why shoot it unless you just like pain? Fug winny shots. They are very effective when drank in two .5ml doses spread out over an even period through out the day. This also keeps blood levels consistent with no fluctuation
Affirmative..Done it many times with no problems..Originally Posted by Rickson
Doc M
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