Hi guys. I need some advice from some experienced vets. I recently completed my PCT with Clomid. It was a fina only cyle of 150mg eod for 10 weeks. I did 4 weeks of the Clo because I had extra, just extending the 50mg/day part an extra week. I knew that this cycle would really shut me down, but since it is the first time I have done fina, I wanted to see how I reacted to it. Anyway, I did get shut down pretty hard (surprise). As of now, "the boys" have regained some of their size, and I am a little hornier, but I have not experienced the high libido or complete return to normal function that Clomid should have provided.
Is this relatively normal for my fina PCT? Should I get more Clomid and do another month? Or perhaps try to find some HCG ? Or should I just wait a while and see if I recover after this PCT. I have read that some of you guys do not fully recover until weeks after the PCT, so maybe I am just anxious about a recovery that has been a little slower. Advise please.