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Thread: test 250 or deca 300

  1. #1

    test 250 or deca 300

    What would make a better first cycle with winni 50mg eod. RT Test 250 or deca 300. How much ? What else should I take to prevent sides. Already have milk thistle and chryslin. Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    What are your stats? Age, weight, height, lifting experiance

  3. #3
    age 24, 6'2" 225 have been lifting since high school football. max bench 275

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    The test alone would make a great first cycle. Test should always be the start of all your cycle and then build from there.

    You will need a anti-e like nolva
    You will also need Clomid for PCT

  5. #5
    where do you get nolva and clomid? When do you take them.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    I wouldn't start this cycle until you do a little more research. I can't tell you where to get these things it's against board rules but you can do a search on the internet to find liquid versions of the 2 I listed.

    Anti-e's are used during the cycle and PCT to keep estrogene levels and keep you from developing gyno, edema, high blood preasure...... Clomid is used to get your natural test production back up to help keep your gains. Do some reading on these drugs before taking them. Know what the sides are and what you can expect.

    Good luck
    Last edited by TheMudMan; 09-12-2003 at 06:56 PM.

  7. #7
    Thanks a lot for the help!

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