hey guys just was curious what is the smallest gauge that can be used to push oil through and wont cause it to get stuck?because 22 gauage is big but not that big, when poking it sometimes it is not pleasureable.AJ
hey guys just was curious what is the smallest gauge that can be used to push oil through and wont cause it to get stuck?because 22 gauage is big but not that big, when poking it sometimes it is not pleasureable.AJ
Originally Posted by clipman
I use a 25 gauge when I do the biceps
yeah i use 25g also just remember to use something like an 18g to draw up the sauce and then swap to the 25g, also once its loaded i like to run it under a hot tap for about 30-45 seconds to make it run smoother.........Hitman
IMO - 25g is about the smallest you should go for oils. 23g is the smallest you should go for loading... so if you want to use a 25g to inject (easy enough with less scaring) - get sperate loading pins of a larger gauge.
Like Hitman said - 18g is good for loading purposes. But it would be too big if you were using it for a vial of over 10mL of product (like Equipoise, homemade Tren or some underground labs). After about 15-20mL or so through the same rubber seal - the rubber gets eaten up and little bitty pieces of it can fall into the gear...
Last edited by Warrior; 09-14-2003 at 01:20 AM.
i would think 25 is as small as pos. but i have always stuck to 23g/1 1/2" for everything as well as every site.
hey thanks guys, but would a 25gauage be good enough for the legs? shit my legs are not small so that is why i am asking.but anyways thanks for all the intel from the first ?AJ
i use a 23 for my legs. But i use 23 for every thing.
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