Im doing a 12 weeker on 400mg/wk of enanth. Right now im on 30mg var ed for the last two weeks and have enough for another 5 wks at that dose. I amaze myself sometimes though,,, I normally dont like pinz as for some reason i get kind of a "pin shock", this is my only way to describe it. So, my first inj was today and did not hurt at all!! I used a 22g to draw from the vial and then used a 25g 1 1/2 for my glute. I was surprised at how easy that pin just went in...I was expecting a little resistance once it hit muscle but there was none at all(resistance). I did get the pin shock though 1/2 way through and for about 10min afterwards where i was sweaty and felt(hate to be admitting this to u dudes) almost like passin out....But i got over that. Does this go away right away after a couple pokes or am i lookin at this every time?? anyone else who has had this reaction, im interested in yer feedback.