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Thread: So, I finally went for it...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    So, I finally went for it...

    Im doing a 12 weeker on 400mg/wk of enanth. Right now im on 30mg var ed for the last two weeks and have enough for another 5 wks at that dose. I amaze myself sometimes though,,, I normally dont like pinz as for some reason i get kind of a "pin shock", this is my only way to describe it. So, my first inj was today and did not hurt at all!! I used a 22g to draw from the vial and then used a 25g 1 1/2 for my glute. I was surprised at how easy that pin just went in...I was expecting a little resistance once it hit muscle but there was none at all(resistance). I did get the pin shock though 1/2 way through and for about 10min afterwards where i was sweaty and felt(hate to be admitting this to u dudes) almost like passin out.... But i got over that. Does this go away right away after a couple pokes or am i lookin at this every time?? anyone else who has had this reaction, im interested in yer feedback.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    in a room with a buncha damn squids!
    that sounds allot like my first shot, you have nothing to worry about. Soon you will be laying awake at night longing for morning so you can stick yourself again....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Thanks Devildog, thats goos to hear!!!


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    in the gym
    I was all shaky my first shot too. The site of you pushing a needle in your body for the first time can be very interesting. I felt anxious and terrified at the same time, definantly a strange combination of emotions. Its like you can't wait to see what its like and after its over your like what the hell did just do!!! It gets easier everytime though, but i'm not one of those people who can't wait to do another injection either.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    A few more pokes, and you'll be looking foward to it!!!!!

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