I took a shot last thursday,,1cc 400mg enanthate and 1cc 100mg propionate in my right shoulder. An hour later I went to the gym and really beat it up ,, a 1 1/2 hour shoulder routine. Saturday,, in the shower I noticed it was swelling and turning red,,then sunday I could barely move it,,Monday was a biiiiatch,,,It was swelled up 1 1/2 times it's normal size... So I went to the doc,,told him what I did,,and he says he doesn't think it's an abscess but either a torn muscle or a hemotoma. So now I'm waiting until friday for an mri,,while in the mean time I'm taking 1000mg of cefadroxil a day. It has definately reduced in size (damn't) and the redness and temp isn't so bad. So what do you think it is a Hemotoma or an abscess? Exp. please....