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Thread: HCG Question: Need Help Fast; No Slin Pins: Questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    HCG Question: Need Help Fast; No Slin Pins: Questions

    Hey all. I need to take a couple of HCG shots. I'm thinking 500 i.u. per day for two days a week as directed.

    I have never used the hcg before but have read tons of threads. Still, I'm a little apprehensive on reconsitituting it etc but I'll deal with that.

    The problem is I would much prefer to do the Sub Q instead of IM. And, I want to make sure I have the dosing accurate. The problem is I don't have any slin pins.

    I need someone to very clearly and concisely tell me how to best get this done with the pins I have. I have 25g pins.

    How do I properly measure the amount I need in these pins?

    Can I still do the shots sub q?

    Please give me any info I need.
    Thanks much, GO

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    IT really depends on what solution you have. It should tell you on the box how many iu's it is. For example. You may have a powder vial and a liquid vial with 10 ml's per vial. If you were to mix all the solution with the powder, you would have 10 ml's of solution at 1000iu per ml. To inject it into your stomach, you just pinch some skin around you belly button and inject it there.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    So, just draw up .5 ml in the 25g needle then for 500 i.u. and off to the races?

    There is no problem using the 25g for sub Q?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Did your mixture come with 10ml of solution? Are you in the middle of a cycle or at the end? I use 5000iu's per week for two weeks post cycle.
    25g is fine... I use 23g with no problems.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    I don't have it with me so I'm not sure exactly how much solution it came with. I'm in the middle of the cycle but only want to do 500i.u. two days per week.

    This must be a very, very small amount in a regular needle.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Well if you do have 10ml of solution mixed and you want to use only 500iu. that will only be 1/2 cc. Hope this helped!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2002
    If I were you I'd just order some slin pins overnight or fast delivery. I tried using a regular syringe for the Pregnyl I had and it just didn't work for some reason. Part of the problem, if I recall correctly, is that it mixed in so much air the stuff turned to foam when reconstituted and was impossible to draw up again without letting it stand, exposed to the air, for a long time -which I assumed would increase the likelihood of infection. I just couldn't draw anything up with the regular syringe, the stuff was so foamy.

    Fortunately I had slin pins and drew up okay with them, then I let the stuff separate out inside the pins overnight. But it was a pain -expelling air from 1/2 a ml isn't easy, in my experience. I kept accidentally shooting out the whole thing since those pins are sticky for some reason.
    Last edited by johnsomebody; 09-18-2003 at 03:03 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2002
    And it IS a tiny amount in a regular syringe -slin pins hold one ml divided into ten segments, so it's WAY easier to dose correctly.

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