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Thread: EQ and Winny

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    EQ and Winny

    What you guys think this is..

    EQ -600mg/10weeks
    Winny- 50mg/ed /wk 6-10wk

    A friend of mine did this and got great vascularity and hardness.....Veins, and got strong as an ox....what you think....!st Cycle

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Living my life to the fullest!
    Most of the guys on here are going to tell you to drop the winny and use testosterone enthanate at 500mg a week along with the EQ. But it depends on your goals, really. Tell us what you want to do. Do you want to gain more muscle? Do you want to strickly get stronger? Do you want more hardness and vascularity like your friend?

    Also, telling us your stats would help us out more. Give us more details and we can work it out.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Va Beach
    Add atleast 500 mgs of test cyp or enth.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    You posted before that this will be your first cycle and you're 22. You also posted this cycle:

    Test 500mg/wk 10 weeks
    EQ 400mg/wk 10 weeks
    Winny 50mg/ed weeks 7-12

    I would run a test cycle for a first one but no one wants to hear that.

    Here's how I'd run your cycle:

    Depending on the type of test you get Cyp or Enan

    1 - 12 Cyp@500mg week or 1 - 13 Enan@500mg week
    1 - 12 EQ @ 500mg a week
    10 - 15 Winny 50mg ED
    1 - PCT Nolva 20mg ED

    PCT start 1 day aftre last injection of winny

    Day 1 Clomid 300mg / Nolva 20mg
    Day 2 - 11 Clomid 100mg / Nolva 20mg
    Day 12 - 21 Clomid 50mg / Nolva 20mg

    Personally I would run a test cycle for my first so that you can see how your body will react to the test and what sides you may get while on test. With the above cycle you will not know where the sides are comming from. JMO

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    That's some top notch advice from my boy MM!


  6. #6
    MM layed out a nice cycle for you...only difference, 400mgs of eq should be sufficient. I would also scratch the winny in replace of var. Everything else is a green light.


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