ok heres the deal,for starters i am 5'10" 225lbs,about 12% body fat. i have run fina 2 times,1 of those times fina alone. this is my 3rd fina cycle.i am taking just fina(yeah i know all about how i should have stacked test,i know the sides,experienced the sides,and lived with the sides) now that we got that out of the way here goes.
my last fina cycle i did 75mg ed for 9 weeks,seen awesome gains. im just starting week 4 of this cycle,im taking 50mg ed. i was wondering if its too late to up the dose to 75mg ed. i just wanted to put my foot in the water and see what kind of sides i would get. things are looking good. so is it too late?or should i just stick with the 50mg ed?im doing a 10week cycle,i would do 10weeks even if i did up the dosage. just wondering due to fina history,this is the lowest dosage ive ever taken,im seeing some gains just wondering if i should or could bump it up alittle bit. thanks alot guys