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Thread: need comments on this first cycle

  1. #1

    need comments on this first cycle

    1 200 mg 500 mg 3 tab/day 4 tab/day
    2 400 mg 250 mg 4 tab/day 4 tab/day
    3 400 mg 250 mg 4 tab/day 4 tab/day
    4 400 mg 250 mg 4 tab/day 4 tab/day
    5 400 mg 250 mg 4 tab/day 4 tab/day
    6 600 mg 250 mg 4 tab/day 4 tab/day
    7 400 mg 250 mg 4 tab/day 4 tab/day 1 tab/day
    8 400 mg 250 mg 3 tab/day 4 tab/day 1 tab/day
    9 2 x HCG week 1 tab/day
    10 2 x HCG week 1 tab/day

    what do u guys think?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    somewhere in Canada
    dbol for 8 weeks is a no no.. too hard on the liver..
    i don't think u need to ramp the deca.. never used deca yet.. but i don't think u need to ramp up or down.. but i am not sure.. what u have for the sust is a good idea..... if i were u i would post ur stats and how much of what gear u got and ask for a cycle suggestion based on what u have

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by animal-inside
    dbol for 8 weeks is a no no.. too hard on the liver..
    i don't think u need to ramp the deca.. never used deca yet.. but i don't think u need to ramp up or down.. but i am not sure.. what u have for the sust is a good idea..... if i were u i would post ur stats and how much of what gear u got and ask for a cycle suggestion based on what u have

    ok i gotta hookup and basically i can get any kind of gear i hope and my stats r im 24 6'2 217lbs[gained 5lbs in a week using super one+]cool
    and been training in and out for bout 5-7 yrs.i eat clean[no junk].help me guys im thinking of doin my cycle in another 6 weeks.thanx.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Honestly don't really like any of it that much. What are your stats, age, and AAS experience. How long have you been lifting?

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