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Thread: Rt ????

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    Rt ????

    I was just over at Massmonsterz and they think that RT stuff is pure crap...does anyone else think this? You guys hipe it up and they slam it..saying its like injecting gasoline...and they are comparing it to **!! what gives....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    as w/ any UGL

    Quote Originally Posted by TheJuicer
    I was just over at Massmonsterz and they think that RT stuff is pure crap...does anyone else think this? You guys hipe it up and they slam it..saying its like injecting gasoline...and they are comparing it to **!! what gives....
    i think you are always gonna have guys who hype it because they have a vested interest in people buying it.let your own personal experience be the guide w/ these labs.if you get burnt, now you know it sucks.if it's all good, props to the's a chance everyone takes listening to people who have ties to UG labs, but if you knwo someone far removed from the operation and they are happy, you may be happy as guarentees w/ anything in life my friend.especially w/ this

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Boise, Idaho
    pb put it well. there will always be haters, most likely because they have their own sources pushing other products and can't sell rt or better ug gear than what they got.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I have no vested interest in it and I have had good results with the prop and EQ. I haven't tried anything else but so far I am happy with their products.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    I know the guys over at Massmonsterz really over Human Grade stuff....I have SL and RT gear for my next cycle..only time will tell I guess..It just floored me when I saw that these guys were slammin' RT!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by TheJuicer
    I know the guys over at Massmonsterz really over Human Grade stuff....I have SL and RT gear for my next cycle..only time will tell I guess..It just floored me when I saw that these guys were slammin' RT!
    I know a few people in my gym on it 95% of them love it you'll always have those few that bash somthing cause thier diet wasnt in check or somthing like that. I think rt will grow pretty well, look at the changes they have already made (i.e. the winstrol and test 400 pain)

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