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  1. #1
    TapUouT's Avatar
    TapUouT is offline New Member
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    alcohol + roids = ?

    plz excuse my ignorance, im not a smart man by any means. However i have a question hopefully someone here can help me with. I drink beer every night ( 2 or so ) i absolutely can not stop this. With that lead in here is my question. i just started a cycle of T-400 and deca 300, how is my minor alcoholism going to affect my cycle gains and more importantly my health.

    i used to cycle a lot when i was younger but havent messed with anyting in bout 2 or 3 years kinda worried now that im a bit older( 28 )
    how things are going to affect me. thank god i left that GHB alone long ago but the beers here to stay.

    thank you for your help fellas

  2. #2
    BDTR's Avatar
    BDTR is offline Retired
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    2 beers aren't going to impact you badly really, it's the "2 beers or so" im worried about... "so can mean anything. Just remember, beer is empty calories.

  3. #3
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Not sure why the beers are their to stay but like bdtr said only the empty calories are the issue if it is just two a night. Of course long term use of alcohol may have its own problems but the AAS probably won't add any to it.

  4. #4
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
    BUYLONGTERM is offline Anabolic Member
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    Alcohol and AS=Stupidity!!!! Don't get into the habit of drinking a couple of beers"or so" (and I'm sure it's leaning more towards the "or so",) Just be smart and Don't drink during your cycle.

    IF you think it's impossible not to drink, I'd suggest maybe getting some of luck

  5. #5
    pumpseeker's Avatar
    pumpseeker is offline Senior Member
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    I don't understand what the point is of doing AS when your lifestyle is completely opposite. I mean, what do you expect to get out of AS when you're drinking every night? The excess calories are going to fuck up your diet and the hangovers will screw up your training. Don't get me wrong, I partied very hard for many years while bodybuilding naturally...but I could never see my true potential. Drop the drinking or drop the's as simple as that!

  6. #6
    F40 is offline Junior Member
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    Pumpseeker has hit the nail on the head......

  7. #7
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    I have a glass of merlot or chiraz everynight. Whether at dinner or right before bed.

    Frank Columbo used to drink 1 dark beer everynight. He just added it to his total calories.

    Everything in moderation is the key. If you can't turn down the buzz is when you need to reconsider juicing.

  8. #8
    toolman is offline Banned
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    If you had a drink or two at the most of wine or beer, I do not see any harm. However as BDTR pointed out it is the "or so" that leads me to believe we are talking about more than 1 or 2 beers. Every drunk ever pulled over always answers, I only had a couple.

    If you can't stop the nightly consumption as you say, you are an alcoholic. There is no such thing as "minor". You really should replace the beer with water every night. It's not that hard. I came from a family that honored cocktail hour religiously, and water is much better for you.

  9. #9
    pabmon is offline Junior Member
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    Sorry to jump in on this, but what about drinking quite a bit one night but not a drop the other 6 days of the week? how does that affect you??

  10. #10
    FmRommel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pumpseeker
    I don't understand what the point is of doing AS when your lifestyle is completely opposite. I mean, what do you expect to get out of AS when you're drinking every night? The excess calories are going to fuck up your diet and the hangovers will screw up your training. Don't get me wrong, I partied very hard for many years while bodybuilding naturally...but I could never see my true potential. Drop the drinking or drop the's as simple as that!

    Agreed...make a choice.


  11. #11
    D3m3nt3d's Avatar
    D3m3nt3d is offline AR's Whore D'Oeuvre
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    I think 2 beers or so EVERY night eventually adds up...could be just me, I havent drank anything in no telling how long

  12. #12
    Justoid's Avatar
    Justoid is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by D3m3nt3d
    I think 2 beers or so EVERY night eventually adds up...could be just me, I havent drank anything in no telling how long

    ye i would like to know as well what about training really hard all week then going out on a sat night and partying hard? just the same as drinking everynight? i know a lot of bros how train like demons all week then when it comes to a sat night get really drunk- they say its just letting off steam. mind you come sun then do a lot of cardio and go in the sauna to sweat it all out> whats your view on this?

  13. #13
    D3m3nt3d's Avatar
    D3m3nt3d is offline AR's Whore D'Oeuvre
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    getting drunk does nothing but dehydrates you, no what the average bodybuilder on juice is really aiming answer your question, is it the same as going out one night and drinking a bit., I would say no, drinking every day keeps the alcohol in your blood levels constant everyday.

  14. #14
    RC_0891's Avatar
    RC_0891 is offline Junior Member
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    I am an undergrad college student. I drink 1x 2x a week, usually getting a buzz, never drunk. It does not affect my gains , provided that I stick to my training and monitor my overall calories. As everyone said, if you drink more than 2 beers a night, and you MUST be honest with yourself, it will affect your gains. Dont drink on oral steroids , period. If I were you bro i would seriously consider getting into a program. If you HAVE to drink every night, be it one or two, it will affect you in the long run. I have witnessed this with my girlfriends father, its not a good situation. best of luck to you


  15. #15
    TapUouT's Avatar
    TapUouT is offline New Member
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    Just wanted to thank all of you that took the time to share your opinions with me on this topic.

  16. #16
    Da Bull's Avatar
    Da Bull is offline Banned
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    Alcoholism is a very slow progressive disease,you've been warned my friend.That "or so" is the first sign imo.Be honest with yourself,don't let the alcohol keep you blind.Once your in,the dopamine in your system changes to THQI.I won't bore you with all the details,but once this chemical conversion takes place you cannot reverse it.Now you have an addictive personality for life,is it worth it?Be smart and take care bro. DB

  17. #17
    Ntpadude is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by buylongterm
    Alcohol and AS=Stupidity!!!! Don't get into the habit of drinking a couple of beers"or so" (and I'm sure it's leaning more towards the "or so",) Just be smart and Don't drink during your cycle.

    IF you think it's impossible not to drink, I'd suggest maybe getting some of luck
    Well I dont think 2 beers a day will hurt that bad but sometimes "stacking" liver toxins will hurt you in a bad way. SOme people stack cocaine with alcohol and that takes you into sorosis at a triple pace.

    The other thing is, I've read that alcohol increases aromatase hormones so it encourages testosterone conversion to estrogen. This alone should be something to consider. Also as far as buzz, well I did my first 2 CC's of Test En last night, went very well, no pain in injection area but this morning I am sort of feeling a unique buzz from it.

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