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  1. #1
    pete675 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2003

    injectable valium

    does anyone have experience with injectable valium? Roche or generic?

  2. #2
    realityarts's Avatar
    realityarts is offline Member
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    Hollywood, California USA
    I've had an injection of it in the past, due to some bad muscle spasms. It was very nice! However, I'm sure it would become a nasty burden if I had some around to use. IMO, I'd avoid it.

  3. #3
    Rhino58's Avatar
    Rhino58 is offline Senior Member
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    San Diego
    Fuck, never heard of it. But i do love the 10mg vals.

  4. #4
    Da Bull's Avatar
    Da Bull is offline Banned
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    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by pete675
    does anyone have experience with injectable valium? Roche or generic?
    Why in Gods name do you want to fuck with that for?

  5. #5
    Swellin Guest
    I can tell you that it hits pretty fast. It gets there a lot faster and a lot harder than the pill version.

    I too wonder why you are asking. What do you want with that stuff?

  6. #6
    partyboynyc is offline Anabolic Member
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    Nov 2001

    that's rediculous

    that's getting to be a little much

  7. #7
    BigMike J's Avatar
    BigMike J is offline Anabolic Member
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    Apr 2002
    Valium can be just bad as heroin, as far as your body is concerned. You body can get dependent on valium and you will have to milk yourself off it just like heroin. There was a guy in the county jail that died from heroin withdraws, NO SHIT! The fucked up part is he was prescribed this for chronic pain or someshit like that, he had been taking about 10-20 mgs a day for about 3 weeks. Then when he got locked up they did not give it to him for 3 days, next day he was dead. The county got sued for wrongfull death. Fuck i say the should have got neglegent homocide charges brought up on them.

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