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Thread: What Am I Doing Wrong With My Cycle, I Feel Like All As Im Doing Is Getting Fat!!!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    What Am I Doing Wrong With My Cycle, I Feel Like All As Im Doing Is Getting Fat!!!!!

    Im 5'6" and 1 1/2 months ago weighed 181.I now weigh 194(6weeks into cycle) I am running dbol/40mg's/ed(7weeks) & deca 300mg's/week(12weeks) & test cyp 600mg's/week(12weeks). I eat between 1 and 1 1/2 grams of protein per pound. My protein sources are skinless boneless chicken baked, tuna in water plain, whey pro shakes, egg whites, fat free cottage cheese. I eat low fat or non fat foods and for carbs I eat: potatoes, brown rice, low fat pastas, etc. I train each muscle 1x per week sometimes 1 or 2 muscles 2x per week depending on time. I do between 12-20 total sets for each muscle and between 3-15 reps. I know MY GEAR IS REAL BECAUSE IM GETTING "GREAT" STRENGTH GAINS but as far as size I see little change. I just feel like Im getting fat. I have done 3 previous cycles of Test & dbol with lower doses. As with the first 3cycles I get tremendous STRENGTH GAINS but I feel like when it comes to size I'm just getting fat.
    Everybody else says I look bigger but to me I just feel fat, do you guys think it could be a mental thing on my part?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Southside Jamaican Queens
    4,131 got deca and d-bol in there and your weight has gone from 181 to 194...your holding water bro, simple as that

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    water retention...what are you running for anti-e's?

    deca doesn't kick in till wk 4-5 anyway

    and btw you should extend your test one more wk to wk 13

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by D3m3nt3d got deca and d-bol in there and your weight has gone from 181 to 194...your holding water bro, simple as that
    Yep...... it's bloat.

    Run nolva or liquidex to help with the bloat also up your water intake.

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