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  1. #1
    DudeMan is offline New Member
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    Dec 2001

    First Cycle. Thoughts?

    Sup guys?
    22 yrs old
    6'1 195lbs bf% has gotta be between 12-15%
    Been lifting since sophomore year of H.S.

    This is my body i only get one so price is not an issue. My source can get me just about anything i want so id like to do this right with quality being my priority. I plan on continuing to lift heavily with proper natural supplementation for another 6mo. to a year before i begin juicing but im a real obsessive type so im getting my research and prep. started now.

    Here are some cycles im considering. i have no problem sticking myself often. Im thinking less harsh chems my first time around to guage my bodies response in regards to gyno etc as i have no idea what my predispositions may be towards any of that. I have a full thick head of hair as does my father at the age of 64 and ive never had any problems with acne so im not worried about those sides. Gyno, loss of sex drive and proper restoration of test post cycle are my main concerns. Thanks.

    Heres what im looking at so far:

    1 Sust-250 Deca -200 Dbol -20
    2 Sust-250 Deca-200 Dbol-20
    3 Sust-250 Deca-200 Dbol-20
    4 Sust-250 Deca-200 Dbol-20
    5 Sust-250 Deca-200
    6 Sust-250 Deca-200
    7 Sust-250 Deca-200
    8 Sust-250 Deca-200
    9 Sust-250 Deca-200
    10 Sust-250 Deca-200
    11 Sust-250 Deca-200
    12 Sust-250 Deca-200
    13 -
    14 -
    15 CLOMID/100MG ED
    16 CLOMID/50MG ED

    Could i swap the last two weeks of sust 250 and just hit 400mg deca so that i can start the clomid earlier at weeks 13 and 14? Perhaps even swap in primobolan instead by itself for the last 2? Something to start giving my nuts the cue before the end of the cycle ya know? Something like this :

    1 Sust-250 Deca-200 Dbol-20
    2 Sust-250 Deca-200 Dbol-20
    3 Sust-250 Deca-200 Dbol-20
    4 Sust-250 Deca-200 Dbol-20
    5 Sust-250 Deca-200
    6 Sust-250 Deca-200
    7 Sust-250 Deca-200
    8 Sust-250 Deca-200
    9 Sust-250 Deca-200
    10 Sust-250 Deca-200
    11 Deca-400
    12 Deca-400
    13CLOMID/100MG ED
    14 CLOMID/50MG ED
    1 Sust-250 Deca-200 Dbol-20
    2 Sust-250 Deca-200 Dbol-20
    3 Sust-250 Deca-200 Dbol-20
    4 Sust-250 Deca-200 Dbol-20
    5 Sust-250 Deca-200
    6 Sust-250 Deca-200
    7 Sust-250 Deca-200
    8 Sust-250 Deca-200
    9 Sust-250 Deca-200
    10 Sust-250 Deca-200
    11 Primobolan-400
    12 Primobolan-400
    13CLOMID/100MG ED
    14 CLOMID/50MG ED

  2. #2
    cnyce89's Avatar
    cnyce89 is offline Banned
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    up the test to 500 mg a week...up the decca to 400 mgs pr week...and up the dbol to 40-50 day...

    unless your prone to gyno you shouldnt have any problems at those dosages, but it doesnt hurt to have nolv on hand just in case...
    andadding the test in you wont loose your sex drive it should go through the roof...

    as for the clomid wait 3 weeks after last injection....
    im not positive but i dont htink there is any benifits of throwing in primo for 2 weeks at the end...

  3. #3
    The original jason Guest
    this is my suggestion

    8 weeks sust 500mg deca 400mg weeks 1-8
    weeks 1-4 dbol 40mg ed
    weeks 9,10,11 test prop 100mg eod
    wait 3 days post last prop shot
    weeks 12,13,14 clomid treatment also primo @300mg a week will not affect your hpta so you can run it to help keep gains if you want.

    This way you will end all long acting esters week 8 move to short acting ester and can start clomid 3 days after last prop shot

    You cant stop the sust early continue deca as you said its a long ester the same so starting clomid directly after deca is not good. hope that helps


  4. #4
    DudeMan is offline New Member
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    Dec 2001
    Thanks for the replies guys.

  5. #5
    cnyce89's Avatar
    cnyce89 is offline Banned
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    892 shit huh....didnt know that about the primo...
    short acting i see....good point oj....

  6. #6
    The original jason Guest
    primo isnt short acting just that it is said below 400mg per week will not effect the hpta I go with 300 max to be sure but its harsh on the hair so I dont use it anymore


  7. #7
    Psycoswole's Avatar
    Psycoswole is offline Member
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    Vegas, NV
    Originally posted by The original jason
    this is my suggestion

    8 weeks sust 500mg deca 400mg weeks 1-8
    weeks 1-4 dbol 40mg ed
    weeks 9,10,11 test prop 100mg eod
    wait 3 days post last prop shot
    weeks 12,13,14 clomid treatment

    Other than using some other test rather than sust i would recommend the same. Keep researching since you have time, check out the educational threads sub forum

  8. #8
    cnyce89's Avatar
    cnyce89 is offline Banned
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    Originally posted by The original jason
    primo isnt short acting just that it is said below 400mg per week will not effect the hpta I go with 300 max to be sure but its harsh on the hair so I dont use it anymore

    oh, ok....get ya

  9. #9
    DudeMan is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    good info, thx guys.

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