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Thread: a queston about new cycle??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    a queston about new cycle??

    I would like to ask a question. I need some assistance so bad, I hope that you will be helpful. anybody's comments are welcomed.
    I am running a cycle with only daca- duraboline.
    I am 23yr old, I weigh 180 lbs. I have been working out off and on, but doing good at the gym for the last 8 months. so this is how my cycle will look like.
    1-10 weeks/ 200mg deca a week.
    9-12week 20mg nolva
    another good queston? is it good to inject 50mg every other day. does this sound right. this is the second time I am doing this and that's how I have been doing the way I''ve never used any anti es in the past.
    and never have any gyno in the past.

    please comment and advise, if I need any adjustments.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Get some test.

  3. #3
    LORDBLiTZ Guest
    Get some clomid for PCT. Deca only isn't very good. I'd at least add D-bol if you don't wanna run test.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    how many d-bol or test should I run a week??
    one more question:what is deca "dick" and how can you cure it in case you get it?
    please guys give me a good explanation and don't right me two words or talk to me with initials. cause I don't understand non of that.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Deca durabolin shuts down your HPTA, hypothalamohypophysial testicular axis. Yeah just HPTA. LOL. Long story short, your libido is tied down and people say that it's hard to get and maintain an errection. "Deca Dick."

    The guys here have advised you to add testosterone to your cycle (test enanthate, cypionate, propionate) because it keeps libido up and it it's a much better mass builder. Also, it keeps deca from shutting the HPTA down as hard, therefore recover is easier, and you don't suffer from a potential depression when you discontinue your usage.

    Test is test, the suffix (enanthat, cypionate) those are called esters, they are the oils that the testosterone is bound to. It regulates how the test is absorbed into your body.

    If you run D-bol go at about 35 mg each day. Every day. Read the profiles in the AR home page.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by charrif
    I would like to ask a question. I need some assistance so bad, I hope that you will be helpful. anybody's comments are welcomed.
    I am running a cycle with only daca- duraboline.
    I am 23yr old, I weigh 180 lbs. I have been working out off and on, but doing good at the gym for the last 8 months. so this is how my cycle will look like.
    1-10 weeks/ 200mg deca a week.
    9-12week 20mg nolva
    another good queston? is it good to inject 50mg every other day. does this sound right. this is the second time I am doing this and that's how I have been doing the way I''ve never used any anti es in the past.
    and never have any gyno in the past.

    please comment and advise, if I need any adjustments.
    deca converts to progesterone, not estrogen. an 'anti-e' will do nothing to prevent progesterone-induced gyno. lucky for you the risk of progesterone-induced gyno is low.

    i would increase the deca dose, and absoutely add some test...test should be the base of any cycle. run nolva at 20mg/day during the cycle with the test.

    you will also need to run clomid starting at wk 13 for 4wks(300/100/50). i recommend running nolva as well during the PCT at 20mg/day

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    I want to thank all the guys that responded to my post. also for their explanation.
    my conclusion tha draw from all your responds is to mix deca with test of course not forgeting nolva in the other hand. if anybody think that I should add anything else to make it a good and better cycle please do.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    8 months of serious training you need at least another 10, 16 would be better. This will strengthen your joints and tendons, which you'll need when you juice, because you'll be pushing more weight. there's less chance of injury with more training under your belt.

    Bro test for a first cycle is best, read this


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyB
    8 months of serious training you need at least another 10, 16 would be better. This will strengthen your joints and tendons, which you'll need when you juice, because you'll be pushing more weight. there's less chance of injury with more training under your belt.

    Bro test for a first cycle is best, read this


    thinks JB that was helpful
    all guys keep up the good work.

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