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Thread: T400

  1. #1
    willBbig1day is offline Junior Member
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    the south


    has anyone had good results from T400 and does it hurt like shit for everyone who has injected it or are the post on this forum just from people who have had bad expreinces with it. let me know what yall think. thanks

  2. #2
    Grant's Avatar
    Grant is offline Member
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    Aug 2001
    i have had great results from t-400, i love it and i hate it

  3. #3
    ShredBundy's Avatar
    ShredBundy is offline Junior Member
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    San Diego

    Terminator 400!!!

    Yea, all my juice buddies call me the terminator now. Im on my last week of Test 400 and EQ. After the past 12 weeks, id say pyramid the T4. I built a tolerance to it and stopped putting on weight, so I started at 400 and worked my way up to 800. About 8 weeks in the gains were minimal so I dropped it down to 300, 400, 600, 800. BAM!!! Large and in charge again. I actualy just took my wednesday shot a second ago. Yea T4 kinda hurts. When any injectable hurts afterwards I alwas try to do them in the morning before I go out so I can walk it off. If I do that, I find that it is sore to the touch and usualy not too much else. This shit is potent! I got all the signs of test; blood pressure is off so I lowered my sodium (got tired of sweating non stop!), acne, but it is worth it and part of the game. Now get this though; I have two friends back home who both reacted very poorly to it (they got their gear from the same guy I did, one was his brother). My one friend got a bad infection in his quad and was hospitalized, and my other friend got sick and also bitched about the site were he shot hurting like mad. Ive never had any of these problems but thought that was real fuckin weird. Needless to say they both stopped immediatley. DO NOT inject more than 1-1 1/2cc in one spot! I know im forgetting a bunch of things but my training partner is starting his vial next monday- "judgement day" as we call it... PM me anytime for further questions, as for me its onto Primo and Fina next monday!!!

  4. #4
    ShredBundy's Avatar
    ShredBundy is offline Junior Member
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    San Diego
    i agree with Grant, I love it and i hate it.....

  5. #5
    willBbig1day is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    the south
    anybody else have any good or bad experiences with T400

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