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  1. #1
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    For first time juicers

    jcp2 posted this and Steroidology, I think it's a good explaination of why a test only cycle is a good first cycle.

    When you ask "what should I take for my cycle?" you are going to get the same answer from all of us no matter how many "buts" you throw at us. Their are very simple reasons why test is recommended for a first cycle so i am not going to bore you with anything complicated.

    THE MAIN REASON I recommend test as a first cycle is that it is, and should be the building block of all future cycles. So you better know how you react to it. You need to know if you are gyno prone, how much water you are going to retain, how much will it raise your blood pressure, you need to learn how to combat there problems, and how to take steps to eliminate them in the future.

    Another reason you should not stack drugs the first time is that you are not going to know how you react to certain drugs, which one is producing the best gains, and which one is causing the sides. Here is an example, lets say for a first cycle you stack deca and test, you get gyno, how the hell do you know what is causing it. Some people will assume it is the test and run deca again, but this time they will be well prepared for gyno brought on from test, but guess what, it is the deca causing it. Now you have d cups and are making an appointment to have your tits cut out. Another example, Needsize says he doesn't make great gains off test, so he has limited his test doses while using drugs he knows react well for him. How the hell is he going to know this if his first cycle was pot luck of different drugs.

    And goddammit test is not a dirty word, for some reason alot of guys in the gym are afraid of test, it is a strong androgen, but the sides are very easily controlled for all but a few with a few simple drugs.

    Maybe not the most important from a bodybuilding standpoint, but remember, if you take any steroids , you are going to shut your natural test production down, this can lead to impotence, and deca and tren are not the only ones that can cause this, any drug can, when not accompanied by test. Deca and tren are just the biggest offenders.


  2. #2
    FrkyBgStok's Avatar
    FrkyBgStok is offline Senior Member
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    good post johnnyb as usual

  3. #3
    like2juice is offline Junior Member
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    Good post.

  4. #4
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    Thanks Bros


  5. #5
    Calipso's Avatar
    Calipso is offline Banned Post Whore
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    I'm skeered of how I'm gonna react to my cycle.

    400mg 10 weeks of Test Cyp
    40mg 4 weeks of DBol .

    I'm gonna bloat like a fat girl chowing down twinkies.

  6. #6
    Da Bull's Avatar
    Da Bull is offline Banned
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    Great post johnnyb.....Calipso you should drop the dbol to 30mgs.just my .02

  7. #7
    eshestun is offline Associate Member
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    my first cycle was a 10 week sus 500mg. in the 4th week i couldn't take the heart going to 95+ all day so I stoped. If I stacked it with something else I wouldn't know what was doing that. In a couple of months Im going to try a test E cycle. See how that goes.

  8. #8
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    Quote Originally Posted by Calipso
    I'm skeered of how I'm gonna react to my cycle.

    400mg 10 weeks of Test Cyp
    40mg 4 weeks of DBol .

    I'm gonna bloat like a fat girl chowing down twinkies.
    I'd drop the d-bol all together, save it for down the road 3rd or 4th cycle


  9. #9
    palme's Avatar
    palme is offline Rosie Member
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    Bump, makes logical sense to start with 1 compound and work your way up.

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