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  1. #41
    Ntpadude is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DocHoliday
    Ron, how do you really know when it kicks in? Appetite? More pumps?
    From what I've read with doctor's opinions, test en and other slow release tests actually start releasing as soon as its injected. Its not a drug like crack with fast results, steroids act more like fertilizer to a tree... the tree may see an increase in fertlizer right away but it takes a while to distribute around the tree and even to react. With steroids, one hormone is now introduced at higher levels and out of balance with a variety of other hormones so it takes a while for the body to rebalance itself and to actually react to the hormone...

    Things to watch for to know you are seeing effectiveness and this I got off a pharmacy web page: somewhat swollen ankles, increased odor in urine, increased body odor, increased oil secretion from skin and this oil is a androgenic manliness thing - its not the esters itself, increased acne, increased sex drive ala increased hard ons, weight gain both muscular and/or fat, increased beard and body hair thickness and/or growth, difficulty in urinating or emptying bladder out completely when peeing, sniffles, cough and cold like simptoms associated with changing or deeping of the voice, increased color of urine, more yellow, orange or brown and darkening color of stoole, male pattern loss of hair.

    You can get just one or any number of these simptoms, all at once, or none of the above it depends on genetic predisposition and other factors as everyone is different and will show different reaction times, etc.

  2. #42
    RON's Avatar
    RON is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DocHoliday
    Ron, how do you really know when it kicks in? Appetite? More pumps?

    What I notice right away is appetite and the veins really seam to come over night at about week four like I said.

    With the test I always notice the superman thing first. Its hard to explain but you'll just be walking around one day and boom you realize its hit you.

  3. #43
    nostawk's Avatar
    nostawk is offline Associate Member
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    whats the deal with woodchuck and jimmy jact cash?

  4. #44
    Methuselah's Avatar
    Methuselah is offline Member
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    Use a 21g pin. It's not that much bigger but it makes the shot a lot easier.
    Quote Originally Posted by DocHoliday
    oh, so my shot went shitty.

    I inject straight, but I have housemates so I can't warm up the syringe or anything for that matter, so when I shoot the 1cc of 200EQ and 1cc of Test E together it's slow to inject. I'm moving the needle around a bit, some discomfort but no pain. Well, the fist time I shot on sunday I had a friend, and he must have calmed my nerves.
    Today when I did it alone, I got warm, started breathing heavy because it's hard to push down the plunger.

    Next thing I know, I must have deoxigenated my blood, cause I see purple veins in my thigh....I panic. My blood sugar drops, I finish the injection, and grab a quart of OJ from my bedroom fridge. I go outside to get some fresh air. I didn't know if I had injected a vein or what, but I felt terrible.

    I can laugh now, but wow, I paniced. I don't suppose I'll notice the effects for a few more weeks, so here's to waiting.


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