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10-12-2003, 01:07 PM #1
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first time user, just took first shot
I just started taking Test. Enanthate . First shot was 250mg, i plan on taking 250mg for weeks 1-3, then 500mg for weeks 4-7, then back to 250mg for weeks 8-10. i have nolvadex in case my tits start hurting and clomid for the end of the cycle. Im 6'0" and around 165lbs. First question is when should i start noticing gains and reduced recovery times. Second question is, is my cycle adequate considering this is my first time taking any steriods ? Thanks.
10-12-2003, 01:14 PM #2
Originally Posted by arrruken
10-12-2003, 01:21 PM #3
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Originally Posted by Da Bull
10-12-2003, 01:26 PM #4
how long have u been training naturally for?
10-12-2003, 01:29 PM #5
Originally Posted by arrruken
10-12-2003, 01:29 PM #6
Originally Posted by arrruken
Holly shit bro, are you serious? It's going to be hard to stay committed???
You're 6'0 too and only 165? You sound like you're looking for an easy way out. Get serious. I'm sorry, this is ridiculous!
10-12-2003, 01:31 PM #7
Could always add some winny at wk 8-12.
10-12-2003, 01:32 PM #8
Damn man, I still can't get over this. I really don't mean to be a dick. I just did my first shot today.
The thing is you do need to eat big. It's not FOR the Test you're eating big, you need to eat big ALL the time.
10-12-2003, 01:34 PM #9
Originally Posted by arrruken
To answer your question.... yes you need to be eating like crazy.
10-12-2003, 01:35 PM #10
Doc you beat me to it a few times......... damn I type slow
10-12-2003, 01:37 PM #11
Everyone needs to straighten this out Mudman.
The more enforced the better, but I guess these posts never end.
If it's not too late, stop taking your test. Save it, read more, and get more committed. Get your body weight to at least 185 for you height.
10-12-2003, 01:46 PM #12
Originally Posted by DocHoliday
10-12-2003, 02:38 PM #13
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You guys took it the wrong way. I normally eat well, but there is a difference between eating well and eating 1-1.5 grams of protein for each pound of body weight, that is abnormal. And i have been training naturally for a while, just training differently. I just got out of the Corps, so I was always focused on running, pull-ups, etc. never mass building. So what I mean by it will be hard to stay committed is it will be hard to change a regimen from keeping a 6-pack and running 5 miles to eating like a pig and heavy lifting? Understand? Im not some stupid kid with needles.
10-12-2003, 02:50 PM #14
Hey bro, I'd agree with everyone about eating, and I also see your point. 1.5 is abnormal, but it will become normal to you one you get use to it. It's a lifestyle change not a diet
I've had to find out allot of things the hard way so take my word on it. If your not willing to stop until you get your body weight up, then we might as well help you with the decision you've already made.
Take one shot of 250mg Test Enanthate twice a week. Take one shot every 3-4 days. A good method of remembering is just remember to take 1 shot of 250mg on Monday and one shot of 250mg on Thursday like one of the guys said earlier. Don't taper at all, buy more juice if you have to. But you should run 500mg steadily for 10 weeks. That's a solid cycle and if you eat like a pig you'll probably gain a little bloat, but you'll also get 15lbs of muscle if your body reacts well..and that's a noticable improvement
Make sure to run your PCT (post cycle therapy ; aka clomid) correctly, doing the classic 300/100/50 cycle... theres allot of posts telling you how to do this, or you can PM me and I'll send the link to you.
Everyone has the theory your first cycle will be your best, so make sure you do it right. This is the time where you can get the most gains for less money before your body adapts to the use of anabolic steroids and you have to do crazy stacks to get the same results.
If we can't change your mind on stopping then at least be safe bro, and good luck!
10-12-2003, 03:08 PM #15
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Does anyone else agree with this 500mg/week cycle? I believe you ambulance i just want a collective opinion.
And I have been taking two servings of nlarge since Friday when I started so that is 104 grams of protein a day from just that, Im assuming Ill get the rest from my normal diet; I eat alot of meat. I may just buy some more Test if that is what most people think, the guy i bought it from will sell me them cheaper now so why not. I originally bought 14 amps so that will last me for 7 weeks so ill only need 6 more.
Again, the question to everyone is should I take this 500mg/week cycle instead? and if I do take this much, should I stick to 10 weeks?
10-12-2003, 03:20 PM #16
I know bro, AS puts our wallets lower in our pockets, but it's better being shortchanged for a few weeks then getting on the scale in 7 weeks and wondering where our money went.
I give you this advice because I was lectured to death when I started too. I made my mistakes
Deffinately always feel free to get more opinions. Whether its me, or a vet, or a mod, or any user on this board... no matter who gives you advice no matter how good of a rep they have... it's just like going to a doctor, never hurts to get a second opinion.
Bump this thread until some of the others check out my advice to you and see what they think. Never worry about offending someone when it comes to your health and your gains bro, especially because no offense is taken
10-12-2003, 03:25 PM #17
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Ambulance:I appreciate your help in the matter, and your advice.
I dont understand one thing though, why would you start at 500mg if Enanthate supposedly doesnt kick in for a month or so? I dont care about the money as another 6 shots shouldnt be more than like $75, it just seems wasted if it doesnt start working for a while.
10-12-2003, 03:26 PM #18
For a first cycle I would run no less than 400mg a week of Test. Also run the cycle for 10 weeks.
10-12-2003, 03:37 PM #19
Originally Posted by arrruken
If your that impatient you can jumpstart with some d-bol, but whats the difference if your only gonna gain so much anyway. Just be patient and stay committed to your diet and training and it will be worth it. Plus its not like nothing happens until week 5 and then out of nowhere you just get huge and strong. Its a gradual process, but by about week 5 you'll start to notice more of a change. I think your rushing into AAS, you might wanna really think about it because is its not a quick fix. Good luck.
10-12-2003, 03:52 PM #20
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I guess ill take the 500mg/week then. As far as stretching and making sure you dont tear anything, is there any tips you guys have?
10-12-2003, 03:53 PM #21
Originally Posted by DocHoliday
-- cb
10-12-2003, 03:55 PM #22
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Originally Posted by arrruken
10-12-2003, 04:03 PM #23
Originally Posted by arrruken
i'm not understanding your reasoning for disliking how long it takes for the test-e to kick in. sure it takes a while to kick in, but it also takes a while to get outta your system once you stop it kinda balances out...=)
-- cb
10-12-2003, 04:05 PM #24
yeah if you arent committed you need to quit right now ,sell the shit, and get some of your money back. otherwise quit crying about your abs, eat like a horse ,get freakin huge, then cute your abs later.
10-12-2003, 04:06 PM #25
and doc, you are not being a dick, you are telling him what he really needs to hear.
10-12-2003, 04:14 PM #26
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alright everyone, thanks for all the quick responses. I pretty much have my answeres. Plz no more "if your not gonna be committed" replies, I explained my comment on that already, and im gonna do whatever i have to do to do this cycle right. Ill just work on my abs later i guess
I have been wanting to do this for 3 years, so yes, ill be committed and eat whatever small animals I have to to do this right. I appreciate everyone's input either way though. Wish me luck!
10-12-2003, 04:19 PM #27
Alright back on!
You just got out of the corps. I would advise this. Completely change your regimine for 1yr. Eliminate cardio and live without the abs. Lift heavy, keep eating big, and sleep a lot.
After that, contact that source and run a 10 wk 500mg ew Test cycle. Right now, you might be rushing into it.
Aight man. Be smart.
10-12-2003, 04:42 PM #28
Hey bro, glad your going with the Test over the tren . If you did the tren you might look forward to no nookie or action without running test with it... and you can gain more off of Test your first cycle for allot less cash. So it's a no brainer
I'm glad you asked questions, and although you got lectured a bit by us, you now know how it works... love it or hate it thats how its done..and in the end you'll be thankfull. Just remember "in the end" isn't that far away bro, you'll have your abs back before you know it...and theres a good chance you won't loose them to begin with.
Just take the advice on 500mg a week (take 250mg on mondays and 250mg on thursdays), eat like a horse, 1.5- 2. grams of protein times your bodyweight, and you should see some great gains.
Your gonna be happy bro don't worry!
10-12-2003, 05:49 PM #29
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I did that same routine and almost doubled in size. You cant beat Test E. when done correctly, and I think you're ready. The results do start right away, but you'll blow up at about week 5. Good luck.
10-12-2003, 05:52 PM #30
Originally Posted by arrruken
10-12-2003, 07:16 PM #31
Hey bro, to answer your question about starting at 500mg:
Your test levels need to increase, and by starting from the begining at 500mg it's going to be a smooth transition. By technicality your "frontloading" because your system will be more open to raising your test levels after the first few weeks when you've sorta "broken it in".
Test Enanthate is slow acting ester so you basically feel your past injections rather then your current if that makes any sense?
Many of the mods and vets can explain this way better then I ever could, but i wanted to give you an insight coming from me in more basic terms.
You can read the Test Enanthate drug profile for more info on the web site portion (or search enanthate on the message board here).
Just remember bro... everyone thinkgs you should wait, but if your not going to then we should at least offer you the best advice.
10 weeks of Test Enanthate @ 500mg a week divided into 2 shots, one on mondays at 250mg and the next on thursdays at 250mg.
Make sure to get your hands on some Nolvadex just in case your prone to gyno (bitch tits), it's really cheap. Don't take a chance on growing bitch tits. You should be able to find some for under 40 bucks.
Does this help any bro? best of luck!Last edited by Ambulance; 10-12-2003 at 07:21 PM.
10-12-2003, 09:05 PM #32
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yeah i got some nolvadex , and some clomid for after the cycle is done. I will take all your advice and go with the 500mg/week cycle. I took some "before" pictures and ill post how everything turns out.
10-12-2003, 10:54 PM #33
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Originally Posted by arrruken
Also the idea is you do want to be weight trained naturally before starting steroids ... if not your large parts of muscle will grow fast but tendons and ligiments wont be ready for it and you will end up damaging ligiments and tendons... just gotta be careful because running 5 miles a day might not fully prepare arms, back, chest and other areas for what steroids can do to your muscles if you combine weight training with it.
10-12-2003, 10:58 PM #34
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Originally Posted by arrruken
10-14-2003, 09:32 PM #35
Originally Posted by DocHoliday
couldnt agree more with Doc
10-16-2003, 03:23 PM #36
Did you start your cycle bro? Keep us posted please.
10-16-2003, 06:12 PM #37
I think he started it before he posted this. Not sure if he discontinued after our comments, I doubt it. Make sure you do it right, for your bodies sake. You can always make more money.
10-16-2003, 08:07 PM #38
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Yeah i started it, but i changed the dosage to 500mg/week like you all recommended. I can already see some signs. Im a sweaty mess, lol, and im experiencing what a friend called "test flu". I felt like shit for a couple of days but im feeling better now. More than anything, its hard to keep this eating habit up, I feel like Im gonna throw up most of the day because of how full i am.
10-16-2003, 10:46 PM #39
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Originally Posted by arrruken
Oh one thing too... believe what they say, BO increases a lot... I normally cant smell anything from my underarms but now... man and you do get more oily skin...also weird is I have always been smooth skinned chest, now chest hair seems to be growing like crazy... Kinda late to have this type of change at the age of 38... but I do feel dramatically better and stronger.
10-16-2003, 10:54 PM #40
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how long have you been on your cycle?
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