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Thread: Fina Cycle, Input Please.....

  1. #1

    Fina Cycle, Input Please.....

    Hey guys last year I gave my cattle some Fina and boy it worked great. Anyway its that time of year again, last year they did a realitively light six week cycle and kept on great results with little in the way of sides. This year they will be doing a longer cycle 10-12 weeks with a slightly lower doses, I am lucky because my neighbor is a RN and is a expert at giving cattle shots so the cycle is no problem its self. But as always I like to keep my cattle as happy as possible and have managed to obtain some clenbuterol and clomid for them this year. I was just trying to get some varying input as to how long after the cycle I should wait to give them these and at what dosage. I would appreciate input from anyone that has given there cattle a similar cycle, I allready have an idea as to what I should be doing but just wanted to get some outside input. Thanks for youe help.
    Last edited by Dglover000; 10-12-2003 at 04:56 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    my cattle are starting both clen and clomid 3 days after their last fina implant. i don't really know if this is optimal, so i'm open to suggestions.

    -- cb

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Mobile, AL
    10-12 weeks on fina? thats kinda long... from what i hear its pointless to go over 8 weeks... no benefits in gains and the shutdown is HARD after 8 weeks anyway

    you running anything else with it?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Bean666
    10-12 weeks on fina? thats kinda long... from what i hear its pointless to go over 8 weeks... no benefits in gains and the shutdown is HARD after 8 weeks anyway

    you running anything else with it?

    I am going to run this cycle very light. The first cycle I gave my cattle was 1cc every third day for six weeks. I plan to keep the same implant schedule for my cattle but just run the cycle longer. The first time my cattle had great gains and kept probably close to 90% post cycle. I wont be using any more than 20cc of a 200mg suspension. My idea is not to make my cattle huge, but to give them a small boost to get past their lifting peaks. I have considered running other things at the same time but would like to just keep it simple, and since my cattle saw results last time I figured that the same thing should work this time. As for the extended period thats why I obtained some clomid.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    3 days after last injection of fina start PCT (clomid). The clen you can run whenever you feel you want to run it.

    Now I know you have ran fina in the past but I would recommend running test in with it. The fina will shut you down and you could end up with sexual sides.

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