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Thread: first cycle help

  1. #1

    first cycle help

    im 21 6ft 190 7-9% bf
    i am gonna do deca wk 1-10 at 250/week
    i have sust 250 im just not exactly sure how much i want to do and for how long..if you have any suggestions please respond.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by whoknows
    im 21 6ft 190 7-9% bf
    i am gonna do deca wk 1-10 at 250/week
    i have sust 250 im just not exactly sure how much i want to do and for how long..if you have any suggestions please respond.
    Sust should be injected min. 3x/wk because of the short acting prop ester. Although for a newbie 2x/wk will probaly suffice. IMO I wouldn't go any lower than 500mg/wk for 10wks and I would bump the deca to 3-400. Do you have any goals for this potential cycle?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    I will have to disagree a little bit. This is your first cycle so if you don't already have the gear switch to either test cyp ot enth. Inject once a week at 400 and inject the deca once a week at no more then 300. You can lower the test to 300 if you wish, just make sure its higher then your deca intake. Run the cycle for 10 weeks and run pct of clomids three weeks after the last deca shot.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by TRE
    I will have to disagree a little bit. This is your first cycle so if you don't already have the gear switch to either test cyp ot enth. Inject once a week at 400 and inject the deca once a week at no more then 300. You can lower the test to 300 if you wish, just make sure its higher then your deca intake. Run the cycle for 10 weeks and run pct of clomids three weeks after the last deca shot.

    Agreed, but I'd say keep the Test E, or Test Cyp at 400mg ew. You can get 200mg vials and just inject twice a week.

    Have you read the profiles?

    Test E's profile:
    Test Cyp's Profile:

    Make sure you know how to run a post cycle therapy, esp if you stick with running Deca Durabolin. It's a compound that can shut your own natural test production ability hard, and you need to take measures to speed up recovery.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by TRE
    I will have to disagree a little bit. This is your first cycle so if you don't already have the gear switch to either test cyp ot enth. Inject once a week at 400 and inject the deca once a week at no more then 300. You can lower the test to 300 if you wish, just make sure its higher then your deca intake. Run the cycle for 10 weeks and run pct of clomids three weeks after the last deca shot.
    i disagree
    run the sus amp eod, that's 750/week and deca 400/week

  6. #6
    I have to disagree with injecting once a week. Mix 1cc of deca with 1 cc of test and inject on Tues & Sat or Sun & Wed. I have used sust and yes you'll get maximum efficency injecting e3d, I have used to 2x's a week and got good results. The prop in it is only 50mg, the deconate is the long acting ester in it. I prefer cyp or enanthate though because it's easier to control blood levels. That is also why I inject minimum of 2x's a week, you want your levels to always be at a peak, you don't want them to start dropping off.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Covington, Louisiana
    Quote Originally Posted by jersey juice
    I have to disagree with injecting once a week. Mix 1cc of deca with 1 cc of test and inject on Tues & Sat or Sun & Wed. I have used sust and yes you'll get maximum efficency injecting e3d, I have used to 2x's a week and got good results. The prop in it is only 50mg, the deconate is the long acting ester in it. I prefer cyp or enanthate though because it's easier to control blood levels. That is also why I inject minimum of 2x's a week, you want your levels to always be at a peak, you don't want them to start dropping off.
    I have to say that I agree with JJ. I think, especially since you are a first timer, that you should go with cyp or enanth., split the weekly dose in half and take two injects per week. You can put the test and the deca together in the same dart.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    If you read my post I told him to switch to test enth or cyp and inject once a week. Not inject the sust once a week. Also, assymetrical are you crazy. Its his first cycle and you want him to put 750mg of test thru his body. He could get gains off of 250. Not trying to be mean but I don't want anybody getting hurt.

  9. #9
    You definitely don't need to start w/ 750mg a week.... when your body gets used to that then where do you go from there? 1000, 1500... your receptors are fresh I have used high doses in the past and now I use small doses. No point in increasing your chance for sides when your body will only use X amount of the drug and the rest will be wasted. You want to start with lower doses and increase as needed, you don't want to start at a high dose because your body WILL adjust to it and then 750mg won't do shit for you after a while...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Simply put:
    1ccdeca/1ccsust shot twice a week will do you well if you prefer the sus over a single ester test. It is your decision but remember the advice is in front of you.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by TRE
    If you read my post I told him to switch to test enth or cyp and inject once a week. Not inject the sust once a week. Also, assymetrical are you crazy. Its his first cycle and you want him to put 750mg of test thru his body. He could get gains off of 250. Not trying to be mean but I don't want anybody getting hurt.
    getting hurt? wtf? sus needs to be ran that way. i blew up nicely on a first cycle of 750 test, 400 deca. first cycle, fresh receptors, never get those gains again, dont be squeemish on the gear

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by asymmetrical1
    getting hurt? wtf? sus needs to be ran that way. i blew up nicely on a first cycle of 750 test, 400 deca. first cycle, fresh receptors, never get those gains again, dont be squeemish on the gear
    thanx for all the advice...i thinik im probably going to do 2times a week witht he sust at 250. and keep the deca at 250...again tho how long shpould i run the sust? shorter longer or the same as the 10 weeks with deca.
    thanx for all the help

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by whoknows
    thanx for all the advice...i thinik im probably going to do 2times a week witht he sust at 250. and keep the deca at 250...again tho how long shpould i run the sust? shorter longer or the same as the 10 weeks with deca.
    thanx for all the help
    I would inject SUS at least EOD to keep blood levels as stable as possible. There are long and fast acting esters in SUS

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Totally disagree with asymmetrical1

    Mudman is the man, and is right with eod injections of sust.

    Like I said before get 200mg 10cc vials and inject twice a week for Enanthate and Cypionate. Just, at least for the sake of eas for a new AAS user.


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by DocHoliday
    Totally disagree with asymmetrical1

    Mudman is the man, and is right with eod injections of sust.

    Like I said before get 200mg 10cc vials and inject twice a week for Enanthate and Cypionate. Just, at least for the sake of eas for a new AAS user.

    ask mudman how much sus a week should be used

  16. #16
    I agree that sust should be run that way, but for a first cycle I think it is too much. For a more experienced user, no doubt, I'm on the same page with ya and I myself say fuck all that and run prop or suspension ed minimum 100mg. For someone new, 400-500mg of enanthate or cyp is plenty to gain from.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by jersey juice
    I agree that sust should be run that way, but for a first cycle I think it is too much. For a more experienced user, no doubt, I'm on the same page with ya and I myself say fuck all that and run prop or suspension ed minimum 100mg. For someone new, 400-500mg of enanthate or cyp is plenty to gain from.
    good post jersey

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    For a first cycle ED and EOD injections could become tedious (sp) for some. I personaly don't think sus should be ran by a first time user unless they are ready to run it correctly. That's why a single ester test like cyp or enan are great for a first cycle. All you need are 2 injections a weeks and yes 400mg of cyp or enan is a good starting point.

    From my experiances minimum 750mg a week and EOD injections of Sus provide the best results and keep blood levels steady.

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