Alright heres the problem. I have been taking liquid t3 by research kits starting at 20mcg and going up 20 more mcg every 5th day. I am at my max right now of about 100. I haven here for about five days. Just this morning my entire body clenched up and my hands went numb and my neck went totally stiff and i started to panic. I went to the hospital to try and get help. They immeadatley thought that i was on some kind of drug such as speed or something and didnt believe me at all. I sat arounhd in the emergency room for about 4-5 hours waiting to be helped and never got any help. Body became normal once again and i went home because the wait was way too long. Heres my concern. I think i need to get off of this t3 as fast as possible and as safe as possible how would you suggest that i go about tappering it down.. PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK.