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  1. #1
    flexshack is offline Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Physical And Psychological Results From Clomid

    Hey fellas
    i am going through a very weird and emotionally painful episode right now where i have almost zero sex drive. first, let me explain the backround of it all. i tried to experiment a little with a cycle of anavar only at 10mg every other day to start (i know it is pretty much a waste, no benefits to doing that, etc. etc.) but my goal was not to put on mass but rather for strength gains. anyway, the experiment was as follows: i wanted to see if it was possible to avoid shutting my test production down by doing this low dose of only anavar eod. i figured that it would almost be like a bridging type of cycle because anavar's half life is about 9 hours. so every day i was not taking the var my own natural test would seem to surge resulting in respectable mass gains as well for me over some time. anyway, i tried uping the dose to 20mg eod after a while and saw some better results obviously. i was still okay at this time. however, when i tried 30 mgs eod i noticed an extreme surge in my sex drive for the first day only but then lost is all and more the following days. now could it have been that the 30mg eod put me over the limit and that my natural test was shut down after that?
    i ended my cycle short, soon after i lost my drive from the 30mg eod and since than wasn't sure if clomid was needed. i thought that maybe my nat test wasn't shut off completely and would return to normal shortly after i stopped my anavar. i did take a little clomid sporadically here and there just to help it along just in case. and now, here i am with still absolutely zero sex drive about a week and half later depressed as can be.
    now, to explain why i titled this post "physical and psychological results from clomid". i am still really confused if it is a low or no nat test level that is causing me problems or if it is some other chemical/hormonal/psychological imbalance or problem with me. the reason for my confusion is that my testes seem pretty normal to me with respect to size and that they are hanging normally. this really throws me off b/c on the days i would take var, i would have shrinkage and they would rise up alot. so now that they are hanging okay i don't know if that means they are producing test. when i took the clomid, they would get huge and i would produce a lot of semen. but the clomid, i think, made my sex drive even lower if that is even possible at this point! i am sorry i seem like i am whining or complaining so much but this scares and depresses me to death and i need help. it doesn't get better as the days go on and i feel like i have lost my sex drive forever. somebody please help me. i am also very fatigued since coming off var and also have recently gotten a very bad cold so maybe my immune system is suffering too. i am tired of writing now so i will wait for some responses. thanks to all who respond.

  2. #2
    goldenear is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    You have to remember that clomid is a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator, meaning it acts as both an agonist and an antagonist in various tissues throughout the body. Also, you should have researched Var a bit more thoroughly. Had you done this, you would have read abstracts showing moderate to complete inhibition even with low doses.

    The very best thing you could do would be to make an appointment with your doc, tell him/her your symptoms, and request a full hormone panel. That will answer your questions completely. If you do have depressed testosterone levels , perhaps he will prescribe you testosterone for HRT purposes. If you know that your baseline values are fine off cycle and he won't prescribe anything, then I'd start taking 20mg of Nolvadex daily for the next 4-6 weeks. After that period, evaluate your condition and possibly take another blood test.

    In the meantime, you can go the herbal route for your libido problems....avena sativa, maca, a bunch of other stuff would probably do the trick without messing with your HPTA.

  3. #3
    flexshack is offline Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by goldenear
    You have to remember that clomid is a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator, meaning it acts as both an agonist and an antagonist in various tissues throughout the body. Also, you should have researched Var a bit more thoroughly. Had you done this, you would have read abstracts showing moderate to complete inhibition even with low doses.

    The very best thing you could do would be to make an appointment with your doc, tell him/her your symptoms, and request a full hormone panel. That will answer your questions completely. If you do have depressed testosterone levels , perhaps he will prescribe you testosterone for HRT purposes. If you know that your baseline values are fine off cycle and he won't prescribe anything, then I'd start taking 20mg of Nolvadex daily for the next 4-6 weeks. After that period, evaluate your condition and possibly take another blood test.

    In the meantime, you can go the herbal route for your libido problems....avena sativa, maca, a bunch of other stuff would probably do the trick without messing with your HPTA.
    thanks for your help.

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