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  1. #1
    Endurance is offline Associate Member
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    alot of Qs for you who are bored

    these are all random so im just giving some of you something to do plus im hoping to learn something haha.
    1) Im getting ready to run some prop at 100mg/ed for.....i don't know until i get tired of it. Ive kinda already started front loading with fina for a couple of weeks. i know i know not the convential but neither is bdtr's 40weekers right.anyhow the question is i inject in my legs and glutes. i have tried the delts but some reason they really hurt. I don't like the idea of injecting other places but im up for anything.....any places where ya'll recommend over others.
    2) If ya'll say to not be a pussy and do the delts or bi's or something is it alright if i use a 5/8 needle. im not a big person 5'8 170 6%bf anyhow just something for thought
    3)and correct me if wrong but if i paid these prices i would be getting raped right
    deca 200mg amp 14.50
    winny 50mg amp 11.50

    ill see if i can think of some more.....thanks bro

  2. #2
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    Try the pecs

    Those prices are domestic right?


  3. #3
    symatech's Avatar
    symatech is offline Retired Moderator
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    your going to have to inject other places with 100mg eod. I like bicep and tricep injections. Traps i dont care for. Lats are decent. use 5/8 in for all spot injections

  4. #4
    Endurance is offline Associate Member
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    im running it ed so i will defintely need a plan. Im really scketchy about the biceps but i could try but i don't think i could ever do the triceps. the pecs really scare me because i don't want to be injecting anything close to my heart. i love injections when they are in my leg and ass but im just kinda scared about the whole idea. JOhnny B my source gets them from overseas so i guess i am the second hand guy. the winny just seems ridiculous that 11.50 everyday for 6 weeks. i don't know just some thoughts

  5. #5
    animal-inside's Avatar
    animal-inside is offline Senior Member
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    bi's r not bad at all..... I liek them, not my favorite but close... shoulders r my fav.. try the bi's, most ppl freak out first then don't mind them..

  6. #6
    symatech's Avatar
    symatech is offline Retired Moderator
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    not where I want to be
    yeah bicep injections are easy and fun.

  7. #7
    Grant's Avatar
    Grant is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by symatech
    yeah bicep injections are easy and fun.
    fun? they are easy though

  8. #8
    Endurance is offline Associate Member
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    bi's are kinda scary but im going to get one of my girls to do it tomorrow thanks bros i only have 25g 1' pins on me right so i just will have to put it in about 3/4 of an inch i guess my arms are 15 1/4. don't flame im not trying to be Mr.O. Anyhow i won't be able to go in very far. anyfeedbackon this about my arms size and my pins

  9. #9
    asymmetrical1's Avatar
    asymmetrical1 is offline Respected Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Endurance
    bi's are kinda scary but im going to get one of my girls to do it tomorrow thanks bros i only have 25g 1' pins on me right so i just will have to put it in about 3/4 of an inch i guess my arms are 15 1/4. don't flame im not trying to be Mr.O. Anyhow i won't be able to go in very far. anyfeedbackon this about my arms size and my pins
    i personally don't like 25 inch guage pins, have some now, because they seem to make my injection spots extra sore. mainly because im jerking on the syringe trying to get the gear in me faster. pushin 2+ml through a 25 takes a little more time, even through a 5/8. 21 guage is my preferred pin, 5/8's for delts, bi's, tri's, calves. 1.5' for quads and glutes.

  10. #10
    clockworks's Avatar
    clockworks is offline Anabolic Member
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    i'm doing the same as you: front loading on tren for 1.5 weeks, then adding prop to the mix. i'm also 5'8" but only 161 lbs. my biceps are 14.5" cold and flexed.

    how can you not like delts? they are my favorite!

    here's my plan (.7cc per site as of now)...

    i don't do glutes...=P

    here's a run down of what i've observed so far:

    delts (23g 1"):
    little needle pain, moderate soreness

    quads (23g 1"):
    high needle pain, little soreness

    biceps (23g 1"):
    little needle pain, very high soreness

    pecs (25g 5/8"):
    little needle pain, little/moderate soreness

    doode, try the pecs, they're my second favorite site...=) biceps aren't that bad at all either.

    i'm actually scared to try my calves after hearing all the horror stories...=P and i actually don't like the needle pain from quad injections. the rest are, like symatech said, fun fun...=)

    -- cb

  11. #11
    Endurance is offline Associate Member
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    i love the quads absolutlely love them. i also like the glutes. both are painless to me. The pecs really scare me. i can do the delts its just going to take getting used too. I use to use 23g 1.5' but i barely have any fat on me so i use 1' now. I used to be a distance runner so when i say i have no fat i mean that my subQ layer is less than 1/2'. anyhow i would like to stay with the 25g for the spot injections. so im bascially going to be doing the same as you clocks only instead of pecs i will do glutes. how far do you go in with the needle on your bicep injects clocks? me and you are about the same frame. thanks bro

  12. #12
    clockworks's Avatar
    clockworks is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Endurance
    i love the quads absolutlely love them. i also like the glutes. both are painless to me. The pecs really scare me. i can do the delts its just going to take getting used too. I use to use 23g 1.5' but i barely have any fat on me so i use 1' now. I used to be a distance runner so when i say i have no fat i mean that my subQ layer is less than 1/2'. anyhow i would like to stay with the 25g for the spot injections. so im bascially going to be doing the same as you clocks only instead of pecs i will do glutes. how far do you go in with the needle on your bicep injects clocks? me and you are about the same frame. thanks bro
    do you do your own glutes? i don't think i can reach around and hit mine well. also, i sit on my ass all day long, i imagine it would be a pain if they were sore...

    when i did my bicep injections with a 23g 1" pin, i went in about 3/4 of the way. i recently got 25g 5/8" pins and i'm going to go in all the way with those.

    happy shooting...=)

    -- cb

  13. #13
    Endurance is offline Associate Member
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    yeh i do my own injecting unless im trying something new. I have a couple of girls who don't mind shooting me up so if i decided to do a new site i always let one of them do it a couple of times and then i take over. i never let a guy. Its amazing the patience and compassion a girl has. I had a friend who just used to jab it in there so i started getting my GF to do it instead and she does wonderful. The glute is kinda hard but it can be done. The thing is not to move so much. thats where the pain sets in.

  14. #14
    cb25's Avatar
    cb25 is offline Banned
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    AZ to MA...depends on whe
    for me the easiest places were quads and delts. Easy to do, very little pain in my experience. Calves are easy too. They hurt like mad for the first couple injections, but after that it's all good. I did tris once - easy to hit the right spot IMO, but it was pretty damn sore for a long time...

    i never worked up the nerve to do pecs, bis or lats...i'm thinking if i cycle again anytime soon i'll try bis...

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