I know that everyone's bodies react differently to each type of AS, but I thought that if enough people rated some different types of gear it would give a pretty good consensus on a couple of side effects. I always see posts asking about acne/hairloss, and I thought this might be a good way to get a reasonably good idea about how bad the following gear is at causing each.
I don't know of a better way of doing this, but if anyone does let me know... If you would, please rate the following gear for how bad each one causes hairloss/acne (for you) on a 1-5 raiting system. 1 being realatively no hairloss/acne; 5 being extreem hairloss/acne. (For example, 1. Deca = 1/2 -- hairloss/acne). If you don't have any experience with certain types just put N/A.
1. Deca
2. Test
3. Dbol
4. Eq
5. Winny
6. Fina
7. Anavar
8. HgH
9. Anything else you'd like to include
Thanks!!! And, if this is entirely fucking stupid sorry, I just got back from the bar with my GF, and I can't sleep. Right now it seems like a good idea though. Maybe it wont in the morning...![]()