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Thread: rate some gear for sides

  1. #1

    rate some gear for sides

    I know that everyone's bodies react differently to each type of AS, but I thought that if enough people rated some different types of gear it would give a pretty good consensus on a couple of side effects. I always see posts asking about acne/hairloss, and I thought this might be a good way to get a reasonably good idea about how bad the following gear is at causing each.

    I don't know of a better way of doing this, but if anyone does let me know... If you would, please rate the following gear for how bad each one causes hairloss/acne (for you) on a 1-5 raiting system. 1 being realatively no hairloss/acne; 5 being extreem hairloss/acne. (For example, 1. Deca = 1/2 -- hairloss/acne). If you don't have any experience with certain types just put N/A.

    1. Deca

    2. Test

    3. Dbol

    4. Eq

    5. Winny

    6. Fina

    7. Anavar

    8. HgH

    9. Anything else you'd like to include

    Thanks!!! And, if this is entirely fucking stupid sorry, I just got back from the bar with my GF, and I can't sleep. Right now it seems like a good idea though. Maybe it wont in the morning...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind

    Re: rate some gear for sides

    I know that everyone's bodies react differently to each type of AS/

    There's your answer. But as far as sides go, what about gyno...blood pressure...?? id rather have a few zits than a set of jibblys.

    1. Deca-2

    2. Test-5

    3. Dbol-5

    4. Eq-1

    5. Winny-3

    6. Fina-4

    7. Anavar-1

    8. HgH-umteen

    9. Anything else you'd like to include-Quit the jibba jabba

    Thanks!!! And, if this is entirely fucking stupid sorry, I just got back from the bar with my GF, and I can't sleep. Right now it seems like a good idea though. Maybe it wont in the morning...

    No way, awesome questions. Very fun post to answer, all you have to put is numbers! Let's keep em all this easy.

  3. #3
    PaPaPump thanks for the quick reply, but I answer it like this: hairloss#/acne# -- some gear may be bad for hairloss yet not bad for acne. Better yet, you are right lets add blood pressure and gyno. So put answers in this format: hairloss#/acne#/gyno#/bp#. Example Deca = hairloss 1/acne 2/gyno 3/ bp 2.

    PS - what the hell are you doing up this late?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    What the hell am I doing up this late?! What the hell are YOU doing up this late? Or are you a friend of ours across the pond?

    Mommy said i can stay up as late as i want. Besides, I've seen IG and TOJ up till 4-5am their time.

  5. #5
    I'm not across the pond, and your mom said to GO TO BED!!! I am from good old Utah, and I am a bit of an insomniac (part of the reason for my handle.)

    PaPaPump, answer the question for all four sides hairloss/acne/gyno/BP (does that make sense? You must understand I'm having a bit of trouble not falling of my chair right now! lol!) You are a reputable guy, and I'd value your imput.

    And, where the hell is everyone else? This will only be beneficial if there are a lot of responses!!
    Last edited by Tyler Durden; 12-29-2001 at 03:01 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    deca 0/2/0/0
    test 0/3/1/2

  7. #7
    The Iron Game Guest
    hairloss is very much an individual thing, and for some deca will cause it and others it wont, the same with all steroids so its not easy to grade it based on this. As for overall sides I would go with


    anadrol being worst and test being best. havent included all other orals and so on though

  8. #8
    Deca - 0/1/0/0
    Fina - 0/0/0/0 <--- some people have a lot of problems, I haven't had any at 75mg/d
    Test - 0/2/0/0
    Winny - 0/0/0/0 <-- Add one spot for sore joints = 5
    Halo - 0/0/0/0 <-- Add one spot for aggression/rage = 5
    Slin - 0/0/0/0 <-- going hypo is pretty scary, fear factor = 4
    The rest I don't have enough experience with to really say, so I won't list them. These are the ones I have tried so far.... Next on the list of AS to try: EQ, Anavar, Dbol, and Abombs (not all in the same cycle)

    I am VERY lucky in that almost no AS gives me any real sides, even at high doses (I have run upward of a gram of test a week before). I barely get any acne if at all, and no hair loss yet. I hope it stays this way.

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