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Thread: why do a cycle without test?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2003

    why do a cycle without test?

    I've been reading and reading and i can't figure out why everyone says to not do a cycle without some kind of test, for example a deca only cycle?

  2. #2
    from what i understand...

    most of the side effects of Deca result in some form from a lack of test...

    but i would suspect that Test be included in every cycle because it is the basis for every other growth steroid....

    and everything else can be considered a designer version of the total package..

    im still learning though...correcting my theory would probably serve you better

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    well from whatyou just said that makes perfect sense. lets see what the pros say

  4. #4
    i think i understand you question, the reason why you should include test in every cycle is that test is the platform for every cycle, test works with other compounds to produce the best results, a cycle without test is considered incomplete....a test only cycle would be the only cycle i would consider ok, especially for first more thing...think of stacking compounds with test like this.....i hope this helps...instead of 1+1= 2 but 1+1+3

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Some people take say Deca only cycles as they are gentler on the body some say or less sides. Test works really well, but has lots of sides. A deca only cycle does not work as well but has less sides. A bro of mine just did a deca cycle for 10 weeks at only 200mg a week and gained a nice 14lbs. Everyone is different so different things work for different people.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by J-Bud
    Some people take say Deca only cycles as they are gentler on the body some say or less sides. Test works really well, but has lots of sides. A deca only cycle does not work as well but has less sides. A bro of mine just did a deca cycle for 10 weeks at only 200mg a week and gained a nice 14lbs. Everyone is different so different things work for different people.
    Deca may have more sides to deal with that are a lot worse than sides from test. Deca will shut you down hard and in some cases will give sexual disfunction sides that IMO are a lot worse than acne or some of the sides that you will get from test. Test should always be in your cycles so that when you do shutdown you at least have the test you're running in your cycle to keep you going.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    when you use AAS, they cause your natural test production to shut down. several processes in your body are dependant on testosterone, as are mood, vitality (a general feeling of lethargy is felt on low test levels), and most importantly...LIBIDO! some compounds shut your natural test production down so hard, erections can be next to impossible, and a general lack of interest in sex is felt. test does have it's share of side effects, but so do ANY AAS

    aside from the above...test should always be included for muscle gain

    test is should always be the foundation of any cycle. your can't build a house without a foundation.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    IMHO test is king of anabolics. It builds muscle like no other. It has awesome synergistic properties. Meaning it assists or adds to the activity of ANY other substance or anabolic. No cycle is complete without test. A good point that was already stated was that some anabolics will shut you down i.e. 'Deca dick'. Adding test to your cycle will keep it in your system and keep you from having sexual disfunction.

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