curious to know if males are capable of producing estrogen without test aromatizing into it? females produce it in the ovaries, i believe but can us men produce it too (obviously men don't have ovaries though)?
curious to know if males are capable of producing estrogen without test aromatizing into it? females produce it in the ovaries, i believe but can us men produce it too (obviously men don't have ovaries though)?
Yes, our bodies produce estrogen just no where in the same neighborhood as a woman does. A woman also produces testosterone but no where near what men do.
but do you know where in the male body this happens and how? what produces it? just curious. thanks.Originally Posted by 50%Natural
I haven't picked up a biology book in a while but I think the testes do it. Not sure though. Talon would know the answer to this. He knows all the stuff about the body and its functions on a chemical and molecular level.
Yes, the male bosy produces estrogen from the reproductive system.
"Their reasoning is that since the male and female reproductive systems develop from the same organs in the early embryo, it only makes sense that males and females should each retain the capacity to make the "opposite" hormone."
Now, estrogen is produced in ratio to test for males(and vice bersa for females) as I understand.
What is the question asked for. If your trying to come up with a cycle that will shut down natural production to the point that you don't have any Test for conversion, your pissing in the wind. Rebound probablities will always be a factor. Not to mention a male body without testosterone(which isn't possible, a small amount will always be present) would be a poorly functioning one. It's our natural hormone from which we operate, not only in the reproduction system, but every other part including the nervous system and proper brain function which will leave you emotionaly "stunted" if absent.
Last edited by Pheedno; 10-15-2003 at 11:43 AM.
thanks, that clears it up a lot for me. the reason i ask is really too long and detailed for me to explain or even want to explain. but you did help me understand it better though. thanks.Originally Posted by Pheedno
I've got a thread somewhere that Ichabod gave me about a study on men who were "non-aromatizers" -their bodies did not convert test to estrogen. Apparently it's very rare and the guy they were studying was used to prove that estrogen plays an important part in male sexual function -when he was given additional test his sex drive stayed low but when given estrogen it immediately went up.
Vewy intewesting.
that is very interesting. i'd like to see that study in detail and see if they knew why his libido was effected in such a way. anyway, thanks.Originally Posted by johnsomebody
I've seen a study before where they used a strain of transgenic mice that had the important estrogen recpetor protein taken out. The study concluded that the mice were infertile, as that specifc estrogen receptor aided in regulating sperm fluid.Originally Posted by johnsomebody
Originally Posted by johnsomebody
wouldn't this mean that use of strong anti-e's would cause a big decrease in libido, even with a lot of test?
Theoretically yes... sex drive, agression, all would decrease w/o estrogen presentOriginally Posted by flexshack
i guess it all depends on the correct ratio of estrogen to test, right?Originally Posted by Polska
Thanks to Ichabod for pointing it out.
If I remember correctly part of what the article seems to be saying is that there's a huge amount of genetic variability in both how men react to and process test/estrogen so I don't know if anyone can conclude any rules about how much affect estrogen will have on any particular person.
I have only heard of estrogen being converted from test in the male body. As pheedno says, First as we all know test. has a very anabolic affect in the body. Test. also boosts basal metabolic rate and influences behavior. It is the basis for sex drive in both females and males. As pheedno suggested test. is reponsible for maturity of the brain and nervous system. In embryos the presence of test. masculinzes the brain. Now is certain neurons of the brain, test. is converted to estrogen to bring about its "stimulatory" effects on males. So in this case, at least, a male homone is converted into a female hormone, just to exert its masculinizing effects. This is the only prod. of test. Ive heard of, never from the testes, as the interstitial or leydig cells of the semi. tubules produce androgens, most importantly test. This is my theory and could be wrong, as Im only 3rd year med. science.
Last edited by talon; 10-18-2003 at 12:50 AM.
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