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Thread: Novice Stack

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    Novice Stack

    ok guys I'm gonna do my first informed cycle, a couple of years ago I played around with some sust but had no idea what I was doing.

    I'm gonna just do the deca/sust stack from the novice stack page.

    its as follows:
    Week deca sust clomid
    1 400mg 250mg
    2 400mg 250mg
    3 400mg 250mg
    4 400mg 250mg
    5 400mg 250mg
    6 400mg 250mg
    7 400mg 250mg 100mg per day
    8 400mg 250mg 50mg per day

    currently I've been training for about 4 years. I'm 6'0 180-185 lbs not sure on bodyfat but would guess around 12-15%. I can get my hands on some Roaccutane, should I add it somewhere to reduce the chance of acne, or just get a lil to keep onhand just incase. I'm also thinking of throwing some oral Winny into the program. Someone give me a lil more direction please

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    cycle looks good but dont start using clomid until 3 weeks after last sust injection...
    most guys will tell you to up your dosage of sust to 500/wk.. i made great gains on 250/wk on my first cycle.
    i would stick with what you got. with the proper training and nutrition you will get really big.
    eat eat eat, that is all i have to say
    get lots of rest... you should be fine on the side effects wont worry too much... just take a multivit morn and night and take 10-15g glut before bed...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    also if you can run 10 weeks do so!

  4. #4
    Do you already have your gear?

    The reason I ask is because I just put my friend on a Deca/Anavar cycle for his first one, and he looks fucking awesome. He got done about four weeks ago. He kept 24lbs his muscles look and feel hard.

    The var will give you great strenght gains and help you rip your muscles to shreds and then the Deca will help repair them quickly. I think this is an awesome first cycle myself, especially because you'll keep most of what you'll gain. With test you'll loose more. Also, with Deca/Var I doubt you'll have any problem with acne.

    Just a thought.

    If you do add test, add liquidex/nolvadex.

    I'd also say 8 weeks on this cycle is enough! You don't see shit for gains after that.
    Last edited by Tyler Durden; 12-30-2001 at 12:52 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Canada - TO
    I don't think your gonna get any acne with those amounts my friend.

    I think adding some d-bol for the first 4 weeks would be a good idea. Your not gonna feel the sus until week 4 . that only leaves 4 weeks of progress.

    also upping the sus to 500mgs would be more like it!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    ON, Canada
    I’m with Medicine man on the majority of his advice. He said that he knows “most guys will tell you to up your dosage of Sust to 500/wk.” Well I just happen to be one of those guys. Not wanting to downplay the fact that he got good gains from 250ml/wk, but the fact that there is a 7” height difference between the two of you is defiantly a big factor. At your height, I personally don’t believe that 250ml/wk is going to put on enough size on your frame to give you a noticeable enough difference. 250ml/wk may only be enough to shut down your own test levels and not enough to give you any significant gain. Lets theoretically say that both of you put on an equal 15lbs on this cycle, well MM’s 15lbs is going to be a hell of a lot more noticeable than yours. Proportionally you guys aren’t even in the same ballpark. Also it wasn’t mentioned in your post, but I would split up the injections twice per week to maintain a more controlled amount in your system at any given time. As for the Winny idea, If I were you I might scrap that and instead run 35-40mg of D-bol/day for the first 4 weeks at the beginning of your cycle. That IMO would be perfect to give your cycle a good kick-start until the injectables kick in. You should be really concerned with strength and mass with this cycle, and the Winny isn’t great for mass. No need to taper the D-bol because the test will see to it that your system doesn’t crash when you are finished and the Deca and Sust are both self tapering. 10 weeks is definitely a good idea If you can afford it Eat, as MM stated and if I might make one last suggestion, concentrate on mostly compound movements while your in the gym. Nothing builds mass and strength better than the basic 3 (Heavy Press, Squats and Dead lifts).
    Just another point of view.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    thanks guys, I'm checking with my source to see how quickly I can get ahold of some d-bol and some more sust. With the d-bol I read in one post to take it 1 hour prior to my workout is that the best way to do it?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Canada - TO
    Most people will tell you to divide up the dose 2-3 times a day?

    Myself I take them 1-1.5hrs before the workout and I make great progress

    Take 40-50 mgs a day 8-10 tabs

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    BRM is right... at my heigh 15lbs is a lot different than a person 7'' taller... that is why i recommended to his via PM to use
    500mg test/wk
    400mg deca/wk
    30-50mg dbol 1-4wks

    however, i informed him that the proper diet is needed.
    and as BRM said core exercises are key to building mass, but dont forget to add some drop sets and supersets throughout this cycle to really shock those muslces... works great for me...
    remember the anties and clomid
    if using dbol drink lots of water and take 1000mg of milk thistle a day
    i love using glut at night 10-15g , but that is my perference.... good luck...
    guys remember this guy is only 18

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    sorry, the guy is not 18 he is 21... made a mistake thought i was talking about someone else i PMed... but i still think the cycle above is a good idea for a guy his height - with the right diet he can make great gains... dont forget also to make sure you traing with 100% intenstiry and expect to see awesome gains wks 4-5...
    good luck...

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