i don't understand how clenbuterol is supposed to cut you up but in the drug profiles it says that its anticatabolic, it decreases the rate at which protein is reduced in the muscle and it causes an enlargement in the muscles. numerous athletes use Clenbuterol after steroid treatment to balance the resulting catabolic phase and thus obtain maximum strength and muscle mass. so if your keepeing mass ho are you getting cut up, i understand that it's a fat burner, so does it help you loose water weight and the fat surrounding the muscles, that would make sense, like a super hydroxycut? also i'm starting my second cycle in like 3 weeks it's gonna be 500mg of sust a week and 400mg of eq a week, how should i do this, my last cycle i did omnadren and deca, i shot 1 cc of omna on monday and then 1 cc of omna with 1cc of deca 300 in the same needle, can i do that the same way this time to shooting 1 cc of sust and 1 cc qv bold on monday and same on fri? also would it be smart to use th clen at the end of the cycle, i'm not competing or anything like that, or should i waite until summer time and do it with some more qv bold and winny?