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Thread: injection the site hurts

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    injection the site hurts

    i am on my second cycle. Im on week 6. I did my injection of enth and deca last night in my right quad. I hurt more than normal when i slid the pin in. I just finised my injection. i used all clean stuff new pin and wiped the site with a swab.
    Now is the next day and the site hurst alot more than normal. The pin hole is a littel red but not more than normal and it does fell hot. What did i do wrong? Did I hit something?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    nothing, could have just hit a nerve. Sleep on it and dont worry

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Freakville, MA
    did u asperate?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Not all injections are pain free, or easy. You'll be fine. Just watch the area for the next couple of days.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Try some heat to help with the pain. Not to worry. May have just hit a nerve.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    word doode, i did 1.6cc into my bicep today. needle hurt a little more than usual going in, and the instead of the normal soreness that immediately follows injecting, i got this burning if i injected straight alcohol into my body. shrug, its all fine now though.

    -- clocky

  7. #7
    CutieFace Guest's good to make sure after your injection that your rub the injection site to disperse the oil....also a warm compress for a few moments afterwards to help cut down on any discomfort afterwards...

    good luck


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    no pain, no gain

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Wherever necessary
    that is why I am careful in my sticks to go slow and see if I feel any thing - sure enough I hit a nerve the other day and my whole arm jumped@! - pulled it out and stuck elsewhere but sure enough it got more sore than usual - but it was far better than if I had gone ahead or had just jammed it in

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    i hear ya cyc...i darted for 4 days or so until i hit a nerve. now its slow n easy.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by buylongterm
    Not all injections are pain free, or easy. You'll be fine. Just watch the area for the next couple of days.
    Yea damn, I had 3 shots in a row - no pain.... I did my week #4 Friday night and man... my butt cheaks are swollen and damn it hurt all frigin day... I'd say charlie horse style... I also have noticably more after injection effects... ears popping, increased sweating, air headedness afterwards... using the same stuff but friend helping with the injection shook the bottles real good this time before drawing up the dose in the syringes...

    BTW, up to day, I am up 9 lbs since cycle started! ALso everyone is starting to comment to me, "Wow! You're growing muscles quick!!" I guess starting to get highly noticable to others. I also started my liquidex... I am doing .20 mg EOD...

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Ntpadude
    Yea damn, I had 3 shots in a row - no pain.... I did my week #4 Friday night and man... my butt cheaks are swollen and damn it hurt all frigin day... I'd say charlie horse style... I also have noticably more after injection effects... ears popping, increased sweating, air headedness afterwards... using the same stuff but friend helping with the injection shook the bottles real good this time before drawing up the dose in the syringes...

    BTW, up to day, I am up 9 lbs since cycle started! ALso everyone is starting to comment to me, "Wow! You're growing muscles quick!!" I guess starting to get highly noticable to others. I also started my liquidex... I am doing .20 mg EOD...

    Whats your cycle look like? Im fixin to start my 4th week Mon of Test En 500 and Deca 300. Ive put on 9 ibs also, but more so from eating and drinking so much water than actual muscle growth, considering it takes bout 5 weeks before Test hits ya. By the way I wouldnt worry about the extra pain. Happens to me about every other shot. Ive found out though the shots that hurt more actually make me less sore the next day. I took a shot my 2nd week and it was by far the least painful shot, but the next day and for the next week I couldnt sit on my ass, couldnt walk straight, had a lump, sore as fuck!! Ill take the extra shot pain over soreness the next day any oh time.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by DBfitness
    Whats your cycle look like? Im fixin to start my 4th week Mon of Test En 500 and Deca 300. Ive put on 9 ibs also, but more so from eating and drinking so much water than actual muscle growth, considering it takes bout 5 weeks before Test hits ya. By the way I wouldnt worry about the extra pain. Happens to me about every other shot. Ive found out though the shots that hurt more actually make me less sore the next day. I took a shot my 2nd week and it was by far the least painful shot, but the next day and for the next week I couldnt sit on my ass, couldnt walk straight, had a lump, sore as fuck!! Ill take the extra shot pain over soreness the next day any oh time.
    I am on 500 test en and 250 deca... using the shanghai... also helper thought it would help avoid an abscess if you inject a little 1.5 inches in, then pull to 1 inch and inject some more, then pull to 3/4 inch and inject some more... I think I ended up with my deepest injection yet, plus it got injected all over the place in there along the entire length of that 1.5 inch needle... man it hurts... plus I am installing a septic tank in back yard and trying to sit in the backhoe all day digging the hole, etc... Owie!
    Last edited by Ntpadude; 10-19-2003 at 02:50 AM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Nice hijack guys (lol). I have had problems with certain injections. All I can say is from my personal experience that they go away in a couple days. I made the mistake one time though of cleaning a sterile pin with alcohol and the day after injecting I was swollen up like a mo fo. If you get sterile alcohol inside your skin it is not pretty. Hope the best for you.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    you will find that some injections are better than others. but just be aware of your body you will know if it is something serious enough to have to go to the doc. hell i am usually sore after every inject, but i find that i am not nearly as sore as when i go to the doc and they give me a shot (flu shot or something else), sometimes i just want to ask them if i could do it.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    my leg is better today. I did all of you guys said. Must have just been a pain ful one. Thanks for all the feedback!! I did not rub it as much a normal this time, now that i think back.
    your right esheston " no pain no gain"

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by clipper
    my leg is better today. I did all of you guys said. Must have just been a pain ful one. Thanks for all the feedback!! I did not rub it as much a normal this time, now that i think back.
    your right esheston " no pain no gain"
    Good to hear bro.....

    Make sure while injecting that your hand is steady......... The tip of the pin is lilke a razor and will cause trauma to the muscle if moved too much and then cause you some pain. My first few injections were the worse and I learned quick to keep steady.

  18. #18
    Maybe you moved the needle around or maybe you were just more tense then you normally are.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Very possible. I try to keep t stedy but i might have moved. But it hurt when i slid it in. I go slow at to not hit a nerver to hard.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by clipper
    Very possible. I try to keep t stedy but i might have moved. But it hurt when i slid it in. I go slow at to not hit a nerver to hard.
    That's the best way to go bro.......... slow.

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