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Thread: killin it

  1. #1

    killin it

    yesterday i was in here and was asking about ref-b and
    some other things for a cycle (look under quality mass)
    a few people told me to hold off.
    thats cool but what about a weaker stack like some
    equipoise and some primo in small quantities I'm 19
    but i am finished growing and really believe that
    it would help out to put on some good size or do you
    still think i should hold off

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by B-Rad
    yesterday i was in here and was asking about ref-b and
    some other things for a cycle (look under quality mass)
    a few people told me to hold off.
    thats cool but what about a weaker stack like some
    equipoise and some primo in small quantities I'm 19
    but i am finished growing and really believe that
    it would help out to put on some good size or do you
    still think i should hold off
    hold off and wait til your hormones are ready.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by B-Rad
    yesterday i was in here and was asking about ref-b and
    some other things for a cycle (look under quality mass)
    a few people told me to hold off.
    thats cool but what about a weaker stack like some
    equipoise and some primo in small quantities I'm 19
    but i am finished growing and really believe that
    it would help out to put on some good size or do you
    still think i should hold off
    Yes you should hold off. Your test levels are high at your age and should'nt be messed with. Train, diet, and wait a couple years.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    MY OPINION, is that your still to young b-rad. You test. levels are through the roof anyways right now. Why replace natural "safe" test. with synthetic test.? If you ate right, trained hard, and slept right you could make natural gains almost as good. I would hold off brotha.

  5. #5
    cool thanks man i guess thats my awnser then

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by B-Rad
    cool thanks man i guess thats my awnser then
    im glad you understand and respecting our answers. its for your own good and not because we dont want you to get bigger than us

    good luck with your natural training

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