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Thread: first time injection, how was it for you?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    first time injection, how was it for you?

    howdy all, first off im new to the forum and this is my first post.
    second i was wondering how all you felt the first time you injected AAS.

    i just did my first (200mg deca+250 sustanon), like 12 minutes ago (its 4:49 am here atm).
    went smoother then i thought, and dident think id make the injection.

    anyone else felt like they were going to black out? or puke or unsteady hands?

    it was hard to pull out the plunger to see if there was any blood with just one hand (bottom inject) that was shaking, and i have quite the large hands, not "fat" i mean long fingers so small objects are harder to use.

    dont know what else to say, would be fun to read some injection fear!

  2. #2
    CutieFace Guest
    well doll...I slowly let the needle enter me....pulled back a bit....then very slowly pushed it in deeper.....then slowly pressed down on the plunger...felt the warmth of the oil.....and pulled out.....rubbing the area gently.....massaging the oil to disperse it....

    was too bad I had to wait 2 days before I could do it again



  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Welcome bro to the Dark side. Yeah, most guys will tell you that the first time you inject is freaky! Some guys pass out, some guys sit there for an hour getting the nerve to do it.

    I actually had my friend inject me first. It was pain free.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    my first injection went smooth as hell. but ive given myself allergy shots before and am quite used to poking myself with needles no big deal really, once you see it doesnt -usually- hurt, your fine.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    My first one was freakin scary!! I almost passed out. I could hear wave after wave of noise in my ears and i was sweaty. I had to lie down for a few minutes. The second shot, it was like i was doing it for years...go


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    symatech - when i pushed the needle in i also felt like this is no biggi, but by then i was dizzy and wigglin badly. :P

    cfase - after i pulled it out i took a thingi called mediswab (alcoholified piece if paper or what ya call it, thats instead of a cotton with alco on it) and whiped and held it down, as i laid down on the bed and then i started to get hot and started to sweat.

    hope my second one goes smooth as yours!

    cutie - *wink wink*

    buylongterm - i think i was lucky to have read the AR's steroid FAQ, especially the about having to be man enough to bump the pin ringing threw my mind (gah have to spellcheck every word cuz of shitty english).

  7. #7
    I also just started a cycle a couple of weeks ago. I did my first few shots in the quads. But i did my last couple in the glut's and there is much less pain in the glut's. You can still feel the sorness a day after, but you dont use your ass muscles quite as much as you do your quads so its not as noticeable.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    First time went smooth. Funny thing was I turned white and sweated my ass off. My friend injected into my delt and aspirated and saw blood. He freaked out and couldnt do it. I was like damn, I got all this gear here and I gotta shove it up my arse. So later that night I took the needle and "MADE" myself inject. It was super smooth. One thing that I underestimated in sight of actually getting my little grubbers on the gear was holding the needle and thinking "oh man, I actually got the gear now I gotta inject it" as if once the gear arrived I would automatically get bigger! The hardest part wasnt getting the gear it was what to do with it and doing it safely.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    i was the same as the rest of you. All tensed up and then it was over befroe i could even back out. I thought i got the stuff now you have to use it. I was hinda freaky looking at the pin go in me at first.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2003
    my first one, i put on some heavy metal music and pumped myself up. took me about 30 minutes. When it was over, i was disappointed. I thought it was going to hurt a lot more than it did.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    NW of DFW TX
    made my wife do the first one...she was more nervous than I was, and I was pretty f'ing nervous! It all gets'll be looking forward to jabbing here pretty soon. Glad to hear you were on here doing your research beforing jumping in. Welcome to the other's really not all that dark on this side! lol



  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    The Asshole Capitol
    My first time was pretty scary, too. I don't remember what the gauge was, but the needle my source hooked me up with was f-ing huge! I stared at that thing for a good 15-20 minutes before I stuck it. I had the biggest bruise I have ever seen . . . unless you count MBH's black ass!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Freakville, MA
    Quote Originally Posted by Testify
    My first time was pretty scary, too. I don't remember what the gauge was, but the needle my source hooked me up with was f-ing huge! I stared at that thing for a good 15-20 minutes before I stuck it. I had the biggest bruise I have ever seen . . . unless you count MBH's black ass!
    Leave the poor canadian pimp outta this!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    NW of DFW TX
    Quote Originally Posted by Testify
    . . . unless you count MBH's black ass!
    I DO NOT want to see a pic of his ass again!!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    That's exactly what my first injection was (200mg Deca, 250mg Sust.). I use 22g, 1 1/2" needeles, so for the first time it seemed gigantic. I wasn't nervous at all, but right before I injected I got this huge adrenaline rush. It was unbelievable. I still get a rush, but nothing like that first injection.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Freakville, MA
    It was easy. 1cc of Test Cyp into my right calve. Couldn't have been more easy.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    i did 1cc of tren into my left delt for my first injection. it was fun, but nerve racking at the same time. i had 3 of my friends watching, so i couldn't really puss out or take a long time working up my nerve.

    to my suprise, when i touched the pin to my skin, it was already half way a hot knife in butter!

    i was so nervous i forgot to aspirate. all went well though...

    -- clocky

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by CutieFace
    well doll...I slowly let the needle enter me....pulled back a bit....then very slowly pushed it in deeper.....then slowly pressed down on the plunger...felt the warmth of the oil.....and pulled out.....rubbing the area gently.....massaging the oil to disperse it....

    was too bad I had to wait 2 days before I could do it again


    You sure you're talking about the same thing here??!!

    My first was very nerve racking too, but I kept telling myself not to be a puss and just do it. After it was all done, I was surprised it didnt hurt more.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Land of milk and honey.
    Was very nervous. Actually felt light headed when I was done, something I have never experienced. Probably just stress. never happened again.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    I was real nervous & sweating like a b*tch, my girlfriend helped me and she had to stop laughing at me because as she was getting ready to inject I would tell her to STOP. I was scared, but after about the third time or so it's a piece of cake. (acually I look forward to them now)


  21. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Mine was easier than slicing butter with a warm knife. Just me though, I have never been scared of the needle.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Mine was in the quad, hit a nerve, quad tensed up, did'nt go back to the quads for months

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Hanken
    symatech - when i pushed the needle in i also felt like this is no biggi, but by then i was dizzy and wigglin badly. :P

    cfase - after i pulled it out i took a thingi called mediswab (alcoholified piece if paper or what ya call it, thats instead of a cotton with alco on it) and whiped and held it down, as i laid down on the bed and then i started to get hot and started to sweat.

    hope my second one goes smooth as yours!

    cutie - *wink wink*

    buylongterm - i think i was lucky to have read the AR's steroid FAQ, especially the about having to be man enough to bump the pin ringing threw my mind (gah have to spellcheck every word cuz of shitty english).
    I was scared shitless... the problem I had was trying to do a glute shot, the darn 25 gauge needle was hard to push the oil thru and I was trying to stand while injecting so with the shakes and such, I noticed I was slowly moving the needle in and out and I lost my nerve and pulled out after only 2/3 was injected... ever since I went and got help and let them do the shooting... havent tried to self inject again since but I am sure someday I will.... now that I am doing more and more injections I am starting to loose all my fears and inhibitions about it... before this go around with starting steroids... my last shot of anything was like a decade ago!
    Last edited by Ntpadude; 10-20-2003 at 11:13 PM.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    great posts!
    like about everyone says, after first time you realize its no big deal and that
    it dont even hurt, wonder why its so nerve wrecking first time.
    maybe something about sticking needles and injecting with foreign agents into the body.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    i took myy first deca in the ass, having some problems remembering all the steps like aspiration, cleaning the site first, and shit like that, also i dropped the pin in the sink, lol, but once i got the hang of it, it was no prob whatsoever.i usually take my lefts in the leg tho, casue i'm right handed and don't wanna fumble both with the wrong hand AND behind my back-

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