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Thread: Trying To Get Wife Pregnant

  1. #1

    Angry Trying To Get Wife Pregnant

    I Have Been Taking As Off And On For About 2 Years Now. Mostly Deca And Winstrol, But A Lot Of Deca. The Doctor Says My Sperm Is Not Working. What Can I Take To Fix This Problem? Clomid? Anyone With This Experience? Any Help Will Be Greatly Appreciated. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Southside Jamaican Queens
    I would say clomid, maybe some HCG? Let some more bro's respond...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    i would say start with clomid and go from there.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Toronto Canada
    What did the Doctor suggest? I would go to him and see what he can give you before I did any AAS...I don't see why he would not be able to help you out.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Someone correct me if I am wrong, but as far as I know using AS only inhibits the body's ability to produce its own testosterone and should not effect the production of viable sperm. What did your doctor say was specifically wrong with your sperm?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Death
    Someone correct me if I am wrong, but as far as I know using AS only inhibits the body's ability to produce its own testosterone and should not effect the production of viable sperm. What did your doctor say was specifically wrong with your sperm?
    Your wrong - testosterone in a dose of only 100mg per week will bring sperm counts down to very minute amounts - pretty much null. Doses above that don't produce any further effects. Testosterone has been used as a male contraceptive but some do experience a rebound effect after discontinuation of high doses. But you need to wait anywhere from 3 months to a year... depending on your system. But 3 months is a minimum since that is the required time it takes for sperm to fully mature.

    Be sure you are actually off AAS. While a man's use won't harm the fetus - it will keep you from returning to a normal sperm count. Don't try and continue using and run your wife through fertilty tests... the problem is most likely you if you are still running the gear...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Warrior
    Your wrong - testosterone in a dose of only 100mg per week will bring sperm counts down to very minute amounts - pretty much null. Doses above that don't produce any further effects. Testosterone has been used as a male contraceptive but some do experience a rebound effect after discontinuation of high doses. But you need to wait anywhere from 3 months to a year... depending on your system. But 3 months is a minimum since that is the required time it takes for sperm to fully mature.

    Be sure you are actually off AAS. While a man's use won't harm the fetus - it will keep you from returning to a normal sperm count. Don't try and continue using and run your wife through fertilty tests... the problem is most likely you if you are still running the gear...
    I know using AS will lower your sperm count, but does it affect your ability to produce viable sperm? I thought that it did not, and if your testosterone returned to a reasonable level you would be fine. If it does mutate the sperm, please explain to me how.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Death
    I know using AS will lower your sperm count, but does it affect your ability to produce viable sperm? I thought that it did not, and if your testosterone returned to a reasonable level you would be fine. If it does mutate the sperm, please explain to me how.
    doesn't mutate the sperm. shuts down your hcg -> fsh/lh -> test/sperm axis.

    get off roids and your hcg, fsh, lh will rise again increasing your natural test and sperm production.

    btw - what exactly did the doc say were wrong with your sperm?


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    having been f__ked around by doctors who know shit i finally found an endocrinologist who will prescribe hcg & hmg (fsh) this is the quickest way to get sperm count back but does not recover the HPTA. For full recovery i would go for HCG then arimidex and clomid possibly with some cargo line (dostinex) depending on prolactin levels
    HCG will elevate Test production but lowers FSH and LH i got the blood tests to prove it , so you must take an anti estrogen with HCG and continue with the anti estrogen after you finish with HCG. All the best bro , i actually know people who it has taken 1-2 years to regain sperm count , mainly because they have had the wrong treatment. It is hard to find the right doctors. If you want it back quick go for HCG and HMG combo

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Warrior
    Your wrong - testosterone in a dose of only 100mg per week will bring sperm counts down to very minute amounts - pretty much null. Doses above that don't produce any further effects. Testosterone has been used as a male contraceptive but some do experience a rebound effect after discontinuation of high doses. But you need to wait anywhere from 3 months to a year... depending on your system. But 3 months is a minimum since that is the required time it takes for sperm to fully mature.

    Be sure you are actually off AAS. While a man's use won't harm the fetus - it will keep you from returning to a normal sperm count. Don't try and continue using and run your wife through fertilty tests... the problem is most likely you if you are still running the gear...
    I agree............... and since he was using Deca...... Deca is know to be stronger then test as a male contraceptive.

    I got this on STEROIOLOGY by LAWNSAVER:
    Deca is the most widely used form of prescription contraception in the first world. Deca is superior to testosterone as a form of birth control because its progestenic effects which result in rapid onset of azoospermia. Progestins are used similarly in women, progestins given to women in birth control pills and other drugs such as norgestrel and norethidrone are classified as 19-nor-testosterone or 19 nor- progesterone derivatives. Natural progesterone plays an important role in sexual arousal- affecting GABA to a considerable extent. The addition of progestins like deca which compete with progesterone and decrease its production may result in drastically reduced sexual arousal. Interestingly enough, the chemical castration of sex offenders, is acheived through the use of a 19-nortestosterone derivative.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by TheMudMan
    I agree............... and since he was using Deca...... Deca is know to be stronger then test as a male contraceptive.

    I got this on STEROIOLOGY by LAWNSAVER:
    Deca is the most widely used form of prescription contraception in the first world.
    I don't know - but I highly doubt it. The only research I have come across in using steroid hormones as a contraceptive for MEN is using testosterone (enanthate to be specific). Perhaps for woman but I doubt men. The thing is - why would you want to prescribe nandrolone (a progestin) as a contraceptive when the progesterone effects kill sex drive - this could cause further problems for older patients who already experience a decrease in labido. TE has been shown to whipe out sperm counts in low, safe replacement doses (only 100mg per week) while helping increase sex drive. On the other hand progesterone IS used in sex offenders for that very reason - to kill their sex drive so they keep their pants on!

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