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Thread: Closing the Gap

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Closing the Gap

    What's best to take during the 3 weeks before Clomid?
    Say after an 8-10 week cycle of:

    Dbol (30mg/1st 4 weeks)
    Sust (500mg/wk) Deca (400mg/wk)
    or Test (500mg/wk) Equi (400mg/wk)

    I'm thinking Test Susp or Winny. Can you use Clen or would that be better used after Clomid? Some people suggest Primo or Anavar as options. What do you think would be best to close the gap?

  2. #2
    The Iron Game Guest
    Anything with a half life under 12 hours

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    i like clen after cycles..besides it's gets me fired up to workout, and anybody who's come of a cycle before knows how hard it is to go to the gym immediately after a cycle

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    like ig says, anything with a short half life.
    test susp, test prop, fina, winny
    I actually did dbol once at the end, worked pretty well (50-70-100mg ed, last 3 weeks)
    than go right to your recovery with clomid 300 (1st day)-100-50-50 (3 weeks) and ari at 1mg eod minimum (for 5 weeks). U can include bromo or chasteberry to get the prolactin down as well.

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