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  1. #1
    FATMAN is offline Banned
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    Dec 2001

    Question Growth Hormone Questions

    Hey Fellas, listen I have a question about growth. I just picked up my supply of gh, although I dont plan on using it till spring seeing I am running my post cycle now. I have 504 i.u's I plan on running 6 i.u's per day along with test400 and eq 100. I have done some reading and even talked to a doctor, which he really did not care to discuss this with me. I know that gh will work best with insulin or cytomel , but I really dont want to use either, seeing they both carry some serious and life long problems if you screw up. is there anything else that will help the gh make maximum anabolic effects besides the insulin and cytomel?? Any help would be of great importance to me.

    thanx in advance

  2. #2
    Mr. Nobody is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2001
    u could run some metformin (easy to get) und keep your insulin sensitivity high this way. In lieu of cytomel , why not something that gets your thyroid cranking naturally like green tea etca...
    also i am not an hgh expert but i remember while doing research to include a high carb meal with your gh shots (for insulin generation obviously; include metformin 30-60 min after carb intake not sooner as to not impede insulin secretion)
    then i would include orals like dbol or a-bombs to get the maximum igf-1 release
    good luck

  3. #3
    3Vandoo's Avatar
    3Vandoo is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Im not a GH expert, but im planning to use GH for the first time
    soon. And I dont want to use slin, im just affraid but sound like I have no option if I want to have the full benefits.

    My best advice if that you contact Ironmaster, he knows his GH stuffs

  4. #4
    FATMAN is offline Banned
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    Dec 2001
    Ok one more question, I just cant seem to dig up good info on growth. I was reading my Anabolic 2000 book on growth, I looked at some of the pic's, and I seen that one lab makes it in 24mg strenth, and the stuff I have is 6mg in a kit of 7 bottles at 18 iu's each. would 6 iu's per day be a suffecent amount. The only thing I found was they claim 4-6 iu's per day is good, but what if they were refering to the 24 mg version. Can some one help point me in the right direction, or a link to a good source of info about hgh???

  5. #5
    heavyonly's Avatar
    heavyonly is offline Junior Member
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    I've done a lot of research on the GH and Slin. Starting a cycle this week in fact. I can email you what I've found, it's in a word doc.

    Let me know

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Bro, if you need some help on using insulin let me know. I am diabetic and take insulin regularly now (as of late last year). I would go ahead and run insulin with the growth, just make sure you have fully exhausted all research on the topic as it can be dangerous if used incorrectly. If used right, it is very benefitial even without any other drugs being taken. By itself, slin can add 10-20lbs on a first timer. But do your research, because it can be very dangerous and unforgiving.


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