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I'm printing this article out and I'm going to make my Dr. read it. It will help me convince my Dr. to give me weekly injections! Boy after reading this, It convinces me even more how bad I need HRT..
Testosterone levels might even be associated with a decrease in visuospatial functioning and a deterioration of verbal skills.(3)
There are also direct relationships between lowered testosterone levels and impaired memory, inability to concentrate, periodic sweating, reduction of muscle mass and power, bone aches, and last—but certainly not least—sexual dysfunction.(4) You may even get the uncontrollable urge to watch "The View" or "Oprah." Quite obviously, none of these effects are desirable. We want to eliminate the effects entirely for as long as possible, or we want to lessen them as much as possible for as long as we can."
When I saw the loss of verbal skills, I almost passed out. That seems to be HUGE with me lately. I stumble for words sometimes..Even when typing, I have to go back re read what I typed and edit it. And for loss of memory? I can go to a movie the night before look at the previews and the next day I can't remember one of them. Everything in the above describes me so much it's scary.
Thanks for the article.