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  1. #1
    woodiechopper is offline Associate Member
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    Apr 2003

    2nd cycle help - efficient bulking

    Comments welcome - I'm in week 2. This is what is available so I can't really add anything but maybe quantities or timing should change.

    1-5 dian 50ed
    1-3 20mg oxandralone ed
    1-10 200mg ethanoate/200mg isocaproate/200mg cypionate twice a week
    6-10 100mg propionate /100 mg phenylpropionate twice a week
    6-10 T3 25mcg
    1-10 20mg tam ed
    7-10 50mg winny eod
    8-12 80mcg clen ed (if it doesn't make me sleepy which it has before)
    12-15 clomid 75mg ed

    39 yrs old, 6'3", 218lbs (up from 182lbs two years ago) at same bf, 10% bf, 2-4x weights per week, 2-3x aerobic (ice hockey, boxing, stepmaster)

    3 other questions:

    - my right nipple started to get a little sore yesterday. I upped the Tam and added Arimdex and Femara. Seems fine today.

    - I'm trying to eat for bulking, around 3500 calories. There seems to be debate on the board about whether to go for broke (5000 calories and get fat) or keep it more moderate. I have trouble even eating 3500 healthy calories (stuffing tuna in the face all day) but don't want to spoil the results.

    - I had the most sore glute after injecting the ethanoate/isocaproate last time; basically couldn't walk straight for 4-5 days. This seems to happen based on comments on the board. So anything to worry about?



  2. #2
    motoxxxguy's Avatar
    motoxxxguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    Alright, let's start from the top...

    I don't know what your previous doses were, or if that really even matters here, but 50mg of d-bol seems a bit much. I running 40mg right now and having good results, but another 10mg might cause some sides, non of which I have now. I also don't see the purpose of the var in weeks 1-3. I don't know what type of test blend that is, I assume UG or homebrew, but 600mg a week is ok. The prop/phenylprop in weeks 6-10? Why? If you are going to run the nolva ed from the start, run it all the way through the clomid PCT. I've never used winny personally, but everyone I know that has has not as good results below 50mg ed.

    If you are looking purely to bulk, then here's what I would do...
    1-5 40mg d-bol
    1-10 600 ew long-estered test blend
    11-13 100mg ed Short-estered test blend
    8-13 50mg ed winny (optional)
    14 start clomid

    As far as the calories, I would eat everything in site if you want to really bulk up.

    These are just my thoughts, as it seems to me that you have an awful lot of different things going on during that short 10 weeks. I always go for simplicity myself. No need to complicate things like this.


  3. #3
    woodiechopper is offline Associate Member
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    great comments...short reply:

    the blend is long-estered as you indicate. Sounds like you're recommending less of it (600mg/week vs. 1200mg) for longer, and reducing injection to once a week -- I can deal with that.

    Var was just to tone rather than get all puffy.

    The Winny is great at leaning you out. I'm looking for the muscle for athletics not for competition. It's really helped in the past to remove the puffiness and cut the muscles.

    Thanks, I will follow your plan.

  4. #4
    motoxxxguy's Avatar
    motoxxxguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    I didn't even notice the "twice a week" in htere. 1200mg is definitely excessive IMO. Good luck with the cycle, bro, and keep us posted.


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