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Thread: Fake Dbol?

  1. #1

    Fake Dbol?

    Hey guys, I had orderd 1000 tabs of thi dbols.....well about 2 days later they where gone from my room. I freaked out and looked all over my side of them room but I found them in my room mates closet hidein. I know he had planned on taking them so I am going to teach him a lesson for stealing them. What would be a good pill to buy that looks like dbol. I was going to buy a bunch of fake look alikes and put them in his bottle and take mine back.


  2. #2
    he stole your gear, a good lesson would be to punch his face and make him swallow draino....i hate stealing!!

  3. #3
    Well we are in college and I would do that but I would be kicked off the football team if I I thought I would do this, but I am not sure what to use yet

  4. #4
    oh and these arn't thi's sorry.....they are white circle tabs with a line threw them

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Freakville, MA
    Quote Originally Posted by Grant
    he stole your gear, a good lesson would be to punch his face and make him swallow draino....i hate stealing!!
    I was in the navy for a while (A School at great lakes) and some assclown thought it would be funny to steal his roommates stuff while they were gone. Well 7 of us found out about this guy (Cuz he would go into other people's rooms and steal shit too). 6 people waited in this kids room and I was the lookout in the hallway so none of the Petty Officers or others could come unnoticed. This kid entered the room and got an beating like no other. After he got his ass beat he was forced to give back all the shit that he stole.

    Same story with some girl who was on my ship. She'd steal stuff from the women's bunks on the ship. One day some girl who found out it was her, just walked up and cold cocked her, the thief got brought to captains mass. The other didn't.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Freakville, MA
    Oh yea bloodbanks, what I'd do. Pay a couple of jocks to really fuck this kid up bad. Stealing from corporations or buisnesses don't bug me, but when you take from an individual, that pisses me off. Teach him a lesson pronto!

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