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Thread: Question for a Newbie

  1. #1

    Question for a Newbie

    quick question...
    So is there any safe EFFECTIVE Steroids for a "youngster" like me being only 18 years old, an still Thin as a "twig"?
    yes I eat allot an work out, an ex-sample of what I do. I run up hill 5 miles everyday, a total of 10miles because to the top of the hill an back down, an I have not added any muscles to my legs at all Ive done this for 2 years. my family is all skinny an when I say skinny, my 45 year old dad is 130 an has no gut or anything we are just are thin.... I really don't like being skinny. Where you can see all my ribs an such. All i want is mass I don't have to be completely Ripped. but what ever helps... my daily meal is probably this

    -2 bowls of Cereal
    -Couple bags of chips an some Gatorade for lunch
    -Pasta when i get home from my run
    -Hamburgers home made 1-2
    -probably 3-4 6inch subs from subway ( i work there)
    -Chips when i get home
    - Coke cola through out the hole day
    -Chocolate also

    thats just from yesterday.

    off to work....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    No .. to put it bluntly. And that is not the most 'effective' diet one should have when trying to gain mass. You need more protein.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    None you're too young to run gear.

    You need to eat more and a lot better if you want to grow

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by slimjim99
    quick question...
    So is there any safe EFFECTIVE Steroids for a "youngster" like me being only 18 years old, an still Thin as a "twig"?
    yes I eat allot an work out, an ex-sample of what I do. I run up hill 5 miles everyday, a total of 10miles because to the top of the hill an back down, an I have not added any muscles to my legs at all Ive done this for 2 years. my family is all skinny an when I say skinny, my 45 year old dad is 130 an has no gut or anything we are just are thin.... I really don't like being skinny. Where you can see all my ribs an such. All i want is mass I don't have to be completely Ripped. but what ever helps... my daily meal is probably this

    -2 bowls of Cereal
    -Couple bags of chips an some Gatorade for lunch
    -Pasta when i get home from my run
    -Hamburgers home made 1-2
    -probably 3-4 6inch subs from subway ( i work there)
    -Chips when i get home
    - Coke cola through out the hole day
    -Chocolate also
    The running is whats keeping you thin...

    Try some 100% whey shakes and some weight gainer shakes from like GNC and similar places... I cannot eat enough to gain lots of weight but these shakes surely put me over the edge enough to gain nicely... these will help. As for steroids... well at your age, you naturally have about as much testosterone as someone is trying to get in their body by injecting steroids... so all you'd do is replace natural testosterone for synthetic and get no difference/no results.

    Try this, join a gym, get a personal trainer, have them put you on a diet and show you proper weight training.

  5. #5
    what he eats for a whole day, I eat in prolly two meals. YOU HAVE TO EAT TO GAIN WEIGHT!!!! By running 10 miles a day, im suprised youre not losing weight with the amount of cals you are taking in.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Ntpadude
    The running is whats keeping you thin...
    I agree. Running will never help produce mass, unless you run to the gym and lift weights! Like they said, if you are serious about gaining weight, then join a gym, talk to a personal trainer about things like diet, workout routines, etc., but most importantly, listen to what they tell you! Too often newbies come around asking for advice and when they get it, they totally disregard it. Don't be one of those newbies!


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    When I read your diet, I thought this was a joke.

    Stop running. If you LOVE it, then run no more than 5miles per WEEK.


    meal 1: 6 eggs, and some potatoes, and two slices of bread, and A protein/weight gainer shake
    protein/weight gainer shake: get some Isopure protein, and some good weight gainer with LOTS of calories. Put a few scoups of the weight gainer in, and one scoup of Isopure. Add a bannana, and a table spoon of peanut butter.

    Meal 2: Two turkey sandwhiches, turkey should be stacked at least 1 1/2 inches high. Water.

    Meal 3: Two hamburgers. Water.

    Meal 4: After workout: Protein/weight gainer shake. Two scoups of protein this time, and same weight gainer scoups, or more.
    Some fruits. Simple carbs.

    Meal 5: Steaks, or chicken breasts. LOTS of it! Some pasta too. Water.

    That's a rough diet that's 500x's better than yours, and this diet isn't even calculated or schemed out any fancy way. Do that for 90 days, and I GUARANTEE that you'll put on at least 10lbs.

    Fuck, you won't see your ribs anymore.

    Oh yeah, stay away from Roids dude. You're nuts. LOL.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Oh yeah, and crucially. You need to lift and sleep.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Southside Jamaican Queens

  10. #10
    any kind of vitimins or anything like that also i need to get ill get the GNC shakes i have some protien shakes from my bro.

    why does sleep help?

  11. #11
    could some one make me a full Meal an a work out time like for a day or in weeks.... Ill follow it to the maxx..... i would need what to do an the time rate reps an such.... i have my own kick ass GYM!!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by slimjim99
    any kind of vitimins or anything like that also i need to get ill get the GNC shakes i have some protien shakes from my bro.

    why does sleep help?
    Sleep = Recovery = Muscle Rebuilding

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    I gave you a rough meal plan. Just make sure you eat high protein meals. Eat complex carbs (pasta's, potatoes before workouts at least an hour before), and simple carbs after (fruits), you can eat more complex carbs later, but not directly after a workout.

    Just hit one muscle group a day. Something simple for starters:
    Monday: chest addforearms, calves)
    Tuesday: back
    Wednesday: shoulders addforearms)
    Thursday: Legs
    Friday: Biceps, Triceps addforearms, calves)

    Workouts should last 50min-1hr. Any longer w/out cardio is too long.


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    those frowny faces were unintended. I just had "add: (" and I put the parenthesis too close to the colon

  15. #15
    these guys gave you some good advice........cut out all the coke and gatorade crap.....that does nothing for you. And if you get free subway sandwhiches id be hitting up some double double meat, cold cut combos or somethin like that on some whole wheat bread - footlongs. Eat like 12 a day plus some in between shakes and some weight gainer and your set...seriously. Your one of those people who never has to worry about becoming fat so just eat like a horse. The chips and coke and gatorade will only hurt you though stay away from that sorta crap...chocalate too. When we say you need calories we mean you need usefull calories such as protien and carbs. Start eating and training right and you start seein results immediatly.

  16. #16
    why do i have to stay away from coke? will it hurt my mass growth? or just do nothing for me?

  17. #17
    Hey another question how come so many other pep cycle? but its not right for me? also why does it ruin your endurance system
    Last edited by slimjim99; 10-30-2003 at 12:40 PM.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2003
    because you are too young, the average cycler here is prolly 30. you will do more harm than good.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by DocHoliday
    When I read your diet, I thought this was a joke.
    haha, me too...=) no offence, but for a bodybuilder its kinda riduculous. chips? coke? no way! thats cool you have access to unlimited subs though...if it were me, i'd go nuts...

    doc outlined a nice diet for you to start on, i'd try that out for a while.

    like people have been saying, cardio is counterproductive to your goals (i.e. weight gain).

    its not healthy to take steroids at your age. no one on this board would condone it. good thing i'm 23. i can take all the steroids i want! i eat em for breakfast, lunch and dinner! i pour milk over em and eat em like cereal! i have track marks all over my body from injecting 20x a day! its great! just wait till you're over 21 though...

    -- clocky

  20. #20
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Listen to these guys, I’m on my third cycle and am just over 30. I didn’t start until then. Good diet, good work out, good rest that is the best cycle you can do for now.

  21. #21
    Actually, anavar is pretty mild and used to be prescribed to women and children before they were controlled and scheduled.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Methuselah
    Actually, anavar is pretty mild and used to be prescribed to women and children before they were controlled and scheduled.

    I'm sure you're right, but not anymore, and we shouldn't advise anavar to anyone that isn't 21, just like other Anabolics.

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by DocHoliday
    I'm sure you're right, but not anymore, and we shouldn't advise anavar to anyone that isn't 21, just like other Anabolics.
    I don't disagree with you.

  24. #24
    Do weight gainner drinks work really? an if so whats the process to use them an how much will i gain...

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by slimjim99
    Do weight gainner drinks work really? an if so whats the process to use them an how much will i gain...
    my opinion is that excess calories cause weight gain. weight gain drinks mearly add calories to your diet.

    if a certain weight gainer drink is 500 calories per serving, and you drink 4 servings a day and thats all, you're only getting 2000 calories and you prolly won't gain weight (and you'll also prolly not be getting proper total nutrition).

    imo, weight gainer drinks should be used to "suppliment" an existing well planned diet by adding more calories to it (and possible more protein).

    -- clocky

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