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quick question...
So is there any safe EFFECTIVE Steroids for a "youngster" like me being only 18 years old, an still Thin as a "twig"?
yes I eat allot an work out, an ex-sample of what I do. I run up hill 5 miles everyday, a total of 10miles because to the top of the hill an back down, an I have not added any muscles to my legs at all Ive done this for 2 years. my family is all skinny an when I say skinny, my 45 year old dad is 130 an has no gut or anything we are just are thin.... I really don't like being skinny. Where you can see all my ribs an such. All i want is mass I don't have to be completely Ripped. but what ever helps... my daily meal is probably this
-2 bowls of Cereal
-Couple bags of chips an some Gatorade for lunch
-Pasta when i get home from my run
-Hamburgers home made 1-2
-probably 3-4 6inch subs from subway ( i work there)
-Chips when i get home
- Coke cola through out the hole day
-Chocolate also