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  1. #1
    Tampa-Pit is offline New Member
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    Vets/Mods....Please Help

    Current Cycle: 10 weeks
    eq 400mg/week
    sust 500mg/week
    d'bol 25mg/ed

    I'm in my 6th week and seeing fairly good results. I posted a thread in members cycle results last week. This is a 10 week cycle.

    My question is: Can I shorten my cycle to be only 8 weeks and just double my dosage of eq and sust since I have enough for 10 weeks. This would mean that for weeks 7 and 8, I would be injecting 800mg (eq) and 1000 mg (sust).

    I've read that before you begin another cycle that you need to be off cycle the same amount of time that you were on your first cycle. If I come off 2 weeks early, I will be able to start and complete another cycle, before I go on vacation this summer. If I go the full 10 weeks then I will have a few options, but I don't like them.

    1st option: Don't do another cycle before my vacation. (hell no)
    2nd option: Do only a 6 week cycle ( doesn't make sense)
    3rd option: Do another 8-10 week cycle, but travel with the
    gear through the airport. (too dangerous)

    Any input would be greatly appreciated....

  2. #2
    XBiker's Avatar
    XBiker is offline Retired Vet
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    Over there.

    Re: Vets/Mods....Please Help

    Originally posted by Tampa-Pit
    Current Cycle: 10 weeks
    eq 400mg/week
    sust 500mg/week
    d'bol 25mg/ed

    I'm in my 6th week and seeing fairly good results. I posted a thread in members cycle results last week. This is a 10 week cycle.

    My question is: Can I shorten my cycle to be only 8 weeks and just double my dosage of eq and sust since I have enough for 10 weeks. This would mean that for weeks 7 and 8, I would be injecting 800mg (eq) and 1000 mg (sust).

    I've read that before you begin another cycle that you need to be off cycle the same amount of time that you were on your first cycle. If I come off 2 weeks early, I will be able to start and complete another cycle, before I go on vacation this summer. If I go the full 10 weeks then I will have a few options, but I don't like them.

    1st option: Don't do another cycle before my vacation. (hell no)
    2nd option: Do only a 6 week cycle ( doesn't make sense)
    3rd option: Do another 8-10 week cycle, but travel with the
    gear through the airport. (too dangerous)

    Any input would be greatly appreciated....
    I wouldn't see any problem with doing the EQ at that dose. It doesn't really cause any sides (for most people) until you get over 1 G / WK.

    The sust is a different story. If I recall, this is your first cycle and as Mike has stated, more is not always better. The higher you go on any test, the greater chance of sides. Also, more conversion to estrogen happens as you are introducing more test in to your body, so your body has to convert it.

    If you look at your options....

    1. Sounds like you wanna do another cycle. You are now a gearhead .

    2. 6 weeks is to short (IMO) for any of the long lasting esters. Perhaps a short cutting cycle, but you risk losing muscle.

    3. Traveling with gear is dangerous. Especially the pins, as they are sharp pointed objects and the airport security will give you shit (and confiscate) for carrying nail clippers on a plane.

    **4** Extende you cycle. You can go longer and switch compounds. I am at the end of an ever lasting cycle, but I have steadily gained all the way through. I attribute that to the fact that I have used Test/EQ as my base and I have done dbol , deca , winny, and I am currently on fina and anavar . You could keep the test and eq as your base and add something like anavar, winny, or even cycle the dbol again. If you did that and then did your clomid before you left, you would accomplish your goals, not have to travel with gear, and more than likely pack on a little more mass.

  3. #3
    Big Al's Avatar
    Big Al is offline Retired Moderator
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    Ok if your running D-bol for 10 weeks its too long, 5-6 weeks is enough especially for a beginner. Milk Thistle !!

    As for doubling doses in the last weeks forget it, that will hinder post cycle recovering the decoanate and undecylenate esters are the longest in the game so doubling the doses at the end of the cycle will mean it will be weeks before you could start clomid.

    Wait 10 weeks before next cycle, do be so eager to cycle again wait to see how you recover, you want your natural test production to be up and running, remember post cycle is like being in adolescence.

    I think 6-7 weeks of a long acting ester, then switching to short acting ester makes for the most sensible and effective cycle.

  4. #4
    Tampa-Pit is offline New Member
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    Tampa, FL.
    Thanks for the input Bro's...

    Big Al, I ran the D'Bol for 4 weeks. While on the D'Bol, I took Milk Thistle, Alpha Lipoic Acid, along with a Multi-Vitamin and Zinc tab.

    I don't want to hinder any additional gains and most importantly my health. I'm just looking to see what my options are...

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