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Thread: first cycle ever and fat loss

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2003

    Cool first cycle ever and fat loss

    Hi , I am new to this and would like some help, if any one has some info with respect to my question. Ok over the past 10 months I have lost 100 pounds and still need too lose 50 more but I dont want to be thin I like being big. and at present weigh 250 lbs. My goal is to lose 50 lbs of fat and put on 30 lbs in muscle, If i had dianabol, sustanon 250 and deca enough to last for a eight week cycle. Can I drop the fat and at the same time gain muscle with this combo. Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    are you at a plateua with weightloss. i would stay natural for the whole thing. Maybe an ECA stack. Congrats on the 100lb. loss. Gives us age, stats, lifting experience.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by cj1capp
    Hi , I am new to this and would like some help, if any one has some info with respect to my question. Ok over the past 10 months I have lost 100 pounds and still need too lose 50 more but I dont want to be thin I like being big. and at present weigh 250 lbs. My goal is to lose 50 lbs of fat and put on 30 lbs in muscle, If i had dianabol, sustanon 250 and deca enough to last for a eight week cycle. Can I drop the fat and at the same time gain muscle with this combo. Thanks

    im no expert on gear. but with good exercise, and diet you can certainly build muscle and loose fat. also, your bmr will increase with regular exercise and that will help raise your metabolism so you even burn more calories when your sleeping. there are some good choices to help you create more lean muscle, and burn fat. but ill leave that for the experts. although, winny would seem like a logical choice.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by FrkyBgStok
    are you at a plateua with weightloss. i would stay natural for the whole thing. Maybe an ECA stack. Congrats on the 100lb. loss. Gives us age, stats, lifting experience.
    this site is great thanks for the help an nice words about the weight loss here are the stats age 35 hight 5 8 weight 250 and still changing My lifting experience is nill, i mostly have been doing cardio but started lifting using a book by ARONLD about 1 month ago. I dont think i have plateua yet i am still droping weight just not as fast.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2003
    than keep going naturally. as bmf said, lean body mass will raise your metabolism. so any advice would be to keep doing the cardio, keep your diet because its obviously working, and hit machine style weights. keep away from the free weights for a little bit to get your muscles, joints, and ligaments up to speed. You deff. don't want to start a cycle with little lifting experience.

  6. #6
    A cycle will speed your metabolism and help with rapid weight loss; even test. It dowsn't sound like you're in jeopardy of being skinny. Your frame should carry some nice bulk. Watch the simple carbs and eat plenty of good fats and protein.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Methuselah
    A cycle will speed your metabolism and help with rapid weight loss; even test. It dowsn't sound like you're in jeopardy of being skinny. Your frame should carry some nice bulk. Watch the simple carbs and eat plenty of good fats and protein.
    if you are saying he should cycle i disagree. if not....i agree.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by FrkyBgStok
    than keep going naturally. as bmf said, lean body mass will raise your metabolism. so any advice would be to keep doing the cardio, keep your diet because its obviously working, and hit machine style weights. keep away from the free weights for a little bit to get your muscles, joints, and ligaments up to speed. You deff. don't want to start a cycle with little lifting experience.
    OK, thanks for the info I will keep doing what i have been doing and give my muscles, joints and ligaments some time to get used to the weights before i add any outside help. thanks to all. cj.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    from what i have read, eq will create an intense appetite. although it will create good lean muscle someone looking to loose weight might not want an increased appetite.

    this is a good page to read. i have read every single profile numerous times myself.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2003
    i do agree that you should keep researching though. wait, but research.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    Hold on...

    Answer me this: are you looking to do a cycle soon? Are you looking to do a cyle to lose fat?

    First off, your age is good, but I doubt you have done long enough serious lifting. You need to shed you weight a bit. Once you get your fat down to a reasonable level, 15-18% then you should start increasing your weight lifting, then start to increase your calorie and PROTEIN intake. Once you start to put on weight that is NOT fat weight, start to slowly increase protein and carb, and calorie intake.

    After 2-3 years of doing this, I guarantee you'll have a body that you want.

    Then come back to us. This is advice you'll hate to read, but you'll LOVE to follow once you try it, and realize it's GREAT advice.


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by DocHoliday

    Hold on...

    Answer me this: are you looking to do a cycle soon? Are you looking to do a cyle to lose fat?

    First off, your age is good, but I doubt you have done long enough serious lifting. You need to shed you weight a bit. Once you get your fat down to a reasonable level, 15-18% then you should start increasing your weight lifting, then start to increase your calorie and PROTEIN intake. Once you start to put on weight that is NOT fat weight, start to slowly increase protein and carb, and calorie intake.

    After 2-3 years of doing this, I guarantee you'll have a body that you want.

    Then come back to us. This is advice you'll hate to read, but you'll LOVE to follow once you try it, and realize it's GREAT advice.

    Doc am a complete novice with respect to lifting and yes i thought doing a cycle,say starting at the end of this month would help with the fat refuction and at the same time give me size. I have been basicly carb free for 10 months just eating eggs meat fish chicken and water. Thats how i have droped 100 lbs and like I said I want the look of fit not fat weight lifter.thats want I want to be, so thank you for the advice. I will keep droping the lbs. Any additional info is truely welcomed

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    in the east
    Congrats on the lost weight. I have to go with doc, at this point, gear would be a waste. Consider gear like a ladder, you only go to the garage and a get a ladder when you absolutely need it. Remember, there is no easy way to loose weight, these guys in here that cut with winny, clen, T3, etc. They are vets, trying to cut 2% bf to get to 6% bf. If there was a magic pill, someone would be selling it. Drop the bf, weight train and use the gear when you need it. BTW, your diet looks religous with that determination you won't have a problem succeeding, just give it time. SG1

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