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  1. #1
    hitnyajunk08 is offline Junior Member
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    Anavar and Trenbolone Acetate?

    These two types arent listed in the Drug Profiles section, so I was just wondering what types of AS are they. Are they used for bulk cycles or cutting? How long are they taken for and at what mg per week or day are they used. I ask this cause my source has some along with the other basics, and I am about to start a Sust 500mg. per week, EQ 400 mg per week and the last couple weeks Winny 50/day. Then obv. the normal clomid and clen at the end. Should I either one of these, would they help or what? What are they?

  2. #2
    hitnyajunk08 is offline Junior Member
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    Dirty Jersey
    I forgot to say, that for the first 4 weeks of the cycle I am running d-bol at 35 mgs per day so i dont have to wait for the test. and EQ to kick in for results? List all comments please.

  3. #3
    XBiker's Avatar
    XBiker is offline Retired Vet
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    Over there.

    Yes, they are listed....

    Tren = Finaplix

    Anavar = Oxandrolone

    And, they stack nicely together.

  4. #4
    hitnyajunk08 is offline Junior Member
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    Dirty Jersey
    Should I throw them in my cycle as well, would they add any great dimension to my cycle?

  5. #5
    XBiker's Avatar
    XBiker is offline Retired Vet
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    Over there.
    Originally posted by hitnyajunk08
    Should I throw them in my cycle as well, would they add any great dimension to my cycle?
    You have not stated your goals, stats, or cycling history.

    Fina is good for adding lean mass and thinning you down. It is an acetate so it must be injected ED or EOD. The normal dosage it 75-100 MG.

    Anavar is an oral that will also help add lean muscle mass and will thin you down. Normal dosage is 20-40 MG / Day.

    The both have low side effects and convert at very low levels, if any at all.

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