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Thread: I think i have an infection

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    juicehead land

    I think i have an infection

    I will be going to the doc on Mon.
    Here is the deal, I took a 1cc shot of oil based winny(proline) in my tricep one week ago. The side of me tricep, where it is visible if you look at me from the front. It feels as if the oil did not go anywhere and it just sat in my tricep. I have a lump there now and its been there for almost a week. ther is no pain just a massive lump.

    A buddy of mine told me that when he got an infection that the doc drew out the fluid from the infected site and prescribed him some augmentim.

    Has anyone here been through this bulshit before and what did the doctor do??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Is there any heat coming from the lump? If you have an absess youd better get it taken care of. Its not a pretty thing when they cut 3 inches into your arm. Ive never had one but ive seen nasty pictures.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    juicehead land
    No heat just a little discomfort when I curl my arm. The lump feels hard. I can feel it when my arm is relaxed. I have no redness nor do i have a fever or chills.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    useing prop now that leaves a lump thats kinda hard for about three days with some pain.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Rhelm of Disarray
    Quote Originally Posted by Nico
    I will be going to the doc on Mon.
    Here is the deal, I took a 1cc shot of oil based winny(proline) in my tricep one week ago. The side of me tricep, where it is visible if you look at me from the front. It feels as if the oil did not go anywhere and it just sat in my tricep. I have a lump there now and its been there for almost a week. ther is no pain just a massive lump.

    A buddy of mine told me that when he got an infection that the doc drew out the fluid from the infected site and prescribed him some augmentim.

    Has anyone here been through this bulshit before and what did the doctor do??
    I say (since I haven't even seen it) Go to the Doc.
    But I have had similar occurances, in fact about 3 weeks ago (Mexican Crap) I take Feldene (anti-inflamatory) and Cephlaxen (anti-biotic) clears it right up.
    But hey, you may have something totally different for all I know so get down there is my advise.

  6. #6
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    To me it sounds like you injected air bro. This can happen when your injecting, and the rubber gets to the bottom of the syringe and you still keep on pushing to get every single lil bit of oil out through the needle. Once the rubber has come to the end, then stop. If you keep on pushing on the rubber a bit of oil left over will go into the muscle with a majority of air also. I had a lump, didnt really hurt much, and the lump was pretty hard. It was there for about 5 days, and by the 7th day it was totally gone. To cure this, just massage the lump slightly every night before you go to bed, and a few times during the day also when ever you have time. And when your in the shower, massage it under the hot water too. Not only does it feel good but it helps too hehe. I dont think you have an infection, but I could be wrong. Just my opinion, good luck and stay lumpless


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Gear
    To me it sounds like you injected air bro. This can happen when your injecting, and the rubber gets to the bottom of the syringe and you still keep on pushing to get every single lil bit of oil out through the needle. Once the rubber has come to the end, then stop. If you keep on pushing on the rubber a bit of oil left over will go into the muscle with a majority of air also. I had a lump, didnt really hurt much, and the lump was pretty hard. It was there for about 5 days, and by the 7th day it was totally gone. To cure this, just massage the lump slightly every night before you go to bed, and a few times during the day also when ever you have time. And when your in the shower, massage it under the hot water too. Not only does it feel good but it helps too hehe. I dont think you have an infection, but I could be wrong. Just my opinion, good luck and stay lumpless

    Yep... my neighbor helping me with injections, I think he for some reason suggested we cut back on test some so I got a 2 CC injection of deca/test mix from him... well I was short 1/2 deca and 1/2 test en... I went ahead and made my own injection and shot it into my calf of my leg... (yea, I am not so scared to shoot myself anymore!) to keep my cycle consistent... well the calf got sore like a dickens... I could understand what others said about charlie horse feeling and cant walk right... well I took 2 benedrils... the pain subsided like crazy within the hour last night, got a good nights sleep and the pain was much less this morning... I believe benedril works wonders on reducing the after injection lump, pain, swelling, etc!

    The reason the neighbor wanted to cut me back on testosterone... well at Halloween Party, his little girl was getting pushed back and forth in a go kart thing... then the cart came my way and I gave her a push back.... damn I dont know my own strength and I pushed her like a bat out of hell and the cart shot towards a tree and banged.. The girl was alright but damn, I am like way stronger then I realize and it just didnt seem like that effort ... anyways I pushed the cart too hard and too fast... and neighbor though I could turn into a dangerous hulk if didnt drop down the test a little... it was just a simple mistake.... I am sure all will be back to normal by next week's injection time...

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