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youve stated that you want real teen feedback...advice? nah, from what ive read, you probably dont want my advice.
but ill tell you my experience anyway
i am seventen years old, eighteen in one month.
ive done my research..all of the endocrinology..androgens, and their posotive effects on linear growth in those with un-ossified growth plates.
from all that i gathered, i wanted a drug that caused a spike in levels of igf-1 in the body, and had minimal estrogenic aromatization/conversion. so, ideally, that would be igf-1, of HGH...but i cant afford those.
after that, my options became oxandrolone, stanozolol tabs, and tren..
all of these (as im sure you know) are non aromatizing anabolics/androgenics, with tren and winny having the highest possiblility of elevating igf-1 levels in the body, according to my research.
across three different forums, there were two people that did not immediately tell me "DONT DO IT YOUR TOO YOUNG!!!". all of these warnings DID scare me, but i had this nagging notion in my head that many of those opinions were solely based on message board rumor, that had been passed on from person to person.
so i decided on a 6-8 week cycle of winny only....starting at 30mg a day, and tapering up to 50mg ED by the end of the first week. i was using thai 5mg stanabols
everything started out at planned...at the end of the first week, i was up five pounds, and all of my lifts had slightly risen, as well as my workout intensity. but i noticed that i no longer had morning wood. also, i could get it up, but the second i was not actively "concentrating" on sustaining an erection, it would dissapear. i mean, bam, gone...
on day nine, my nuts began to ache. all the time. not excruciating, but a constant pressure, that would not subside.
the second week, i noticed a few extra hairs in the drain. during sex, it was becoming increasingly harder to get off, and i noticed that the loads i was shooting were smaller...and this was only after a little over a week of a steroid that is rumored to take little effect on HPTA/LH levels!
in summation of the sides i was already experiencing, i aborted. i realize that i am mentally ready for steroids, and all of my physical priorites are in order, but the threat to my future sexual health, and endocrine function, was not worth the benefits.
im not sure if this is going to make a difference to you...but i hope you take into account that your not going to be able to predict how your body will respond to any of these compounds...much less the massive conglomeration that you are planning.
since then, my natural test has fully recovered, after massive amounts of avena sative and l arginine, and i wake up everyday to the wonderful reality of *gasp* morning wood. youll never know how much you miss it until you get on, and it dissapears. i plan on continuing my natural training until i am at least 210 pounds, under ten % bf and at least 20 years old, from the lean 188 i am now. i know i just wrote a gd book
best of luck bro, in whatever you choose to do