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Thread: Migraines from Training - Need Help (Doc?)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    Exclamation Migraines from Training - Need Help (Doc?)

    I get bad migraines and have to take a pretty powerful drug called Imitrex when I feel one coming on. The trigger for these migraines seems to be a really intense training session in the gym. I had to stop taking ECA becuase it fired me up to much and I pushed too damn hard in the gym - giving me a migraine after almost evey workout. Now, I can't even have coffee before a workout. It's hard to push yourself really hard in the gym, when you know the end result will be a migraine. I had my best ever leg workout last week. However, I paid for it with a migraine that lasted almost 3 days.

    Questions for any who can help:
    1. Does anyone else get migraines (not headaches) from intense hard training on juice? If so, have you found anything that helps?
    2. I want to add clen to my PCT, but am scared as hell it will make my migraines even more frequent. Thoughts?

    Thx for your help as migraines are brutally dibilitating, as those of you unlucky enough to have them know.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    I'm not a Doctor, but I would guessing the high blood pressure that most steroid-users have while 'On'. I used to get the same migraines, as soon as I was off the sauce, I was okay. But everytime I'm 'On' I get the same thing.

    Adding Clen, IMO, will make it worse. The best bebt would be to clean up your diet and try to avoid salts. I even did a little extra cardio while 'On' and it seemed to help rid me of the migraines Post and Pre workout. Nothing crazy, just about 20 mins pre and 20 mins post and I was okay, for the most-part.

    But BUMP

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Thx RoNNy - yeah, think you migh tbe right about the clen. Will try the cardio trick.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Could you describe what you mean by a migraine -I always thought a headache was always part of a migraine.
    I used to get them years ago a lot, consisting of near blindness from the "arua" followed by killer headaches followed by vomiting -now I realize it was a food allergy.
    I get a very light version of it still if I try to exercise when my blood sugar is to low.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Hey johnsomebody,
    your symptoms sound like text book classic migraine. You can grow out of them (as you may not get them anymore). I grew into them, started getting them when I was about 18, and have had them ever since. Parents had them, migraines are hereditory to an extent.

    Migraine symptoms - aura (flashing lights, blind spots),
    nausea, numbness in fingers, a head ache so bad you actually want to take a drill to you head and remove your brain. It can even affect speech.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Wow, I know those symptoms exactly. It's one of the worst things on the planet and it's especially frustrating since it's so hard to nail down a specific cause, unlike most other illnesses. So I know how frustrating it is.

    This will sound strange but I discovered I get a violent migraine after eating any oil from halibut -when I was young my mom fed us halibut liver oil caps, among other vitamins, with breakfast. I really believe those set me off. I just happened to be absentmindedly sucking on a bone from some halibut I'd cooked and IMMEDIATELY got a migraine -the last bad one I've had.

    One thing that I wish I understood is I still get the mild "aura" if I try to do the cardio-before-breakfast thing. I had to quit for that reason. I always get them if I push myself too hard before or after bkfst. I stronglly suspect it's just low blood sugar. I wonder if it might make a diff in your case? PM me if you want to discuss it more -I'm interested in learning more about it since it limits me as well, though not as badly.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Thx johnsomebody, will do.

    Anyone else have any thoughts?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    North JerSey
    Quote Originally Posted by NJou812
    Migraine symptoms - aura (flashing lights, blind spots),
    nausea, numbness in fingers, a head ache so bad you actually want to take a drill to you head and remove your brain. It can even affect speech.

    damn i get these all the time and it annoys the fuk out of me but fuk it if u wanna get big or look nice u gotta deal with the pains

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by NJou812
    Hey johnsomebody,
    your symptoms sound like text book classic migraine. You can grow out of them (as you may not get them anymore). I grew into them, started getting them when I was about 18, and have had them ever since. Parents had them, migraines are hereditory to an extent.

    Migraine symptoms - aura (flashing lights, blind spots),
    nausea, numbness in fingers, a head ache so bad you actually want to take a drill to you head and remove your brain. It can even affect speech.

    I'd get those until I read the first thing to try is give up peanuts or things cooked in peanut oil... never got a regular headache let along a migrane as long as not eating peanuts.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Yeah - usually it's food that triggers migraines, like peanuts.
    Unfortunately in my case, the trigger seems to be intense (going to failure) and heavy training.
    There's nothing worse than paying for an amazing workout with a brutal migraine.

    I'll look into my diet and see if there is any food connections that might be playing a role as well.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by NJou812
    Yeah - usually it's food that triggers migraines, like peanuts.
    Unfortunately in my case, the trigger seems to be intense (going to failure) and heavy training.
    There's nothing worse than paying for an amazing workout with a brutal migraine.

    I'll look into my diet and see if there is any food connections that might be playing a role as well.
    I never had a migrane until about 4 years ago then I had then regularly. Then later I saw this show on TV that said peanuts are responsible for about 85% of all headaches including migranes worldwide.... so if you have headaches, try quitting peanuts... Also note, you can have a migrane a week after you last ate peanuts... the effect peanuts have on headaches take about 2 weeks to be elliminated from the body. I tried quitting peanuts as a result of watching that show on TV and sure enough, never had a migrane again, in fact I dont have headaches of any kind anymore!

    The weird thing is, I had broken neck a few years ago and I blamed that for the headaches and migrane... actually the injury had nothing to do with it... the peanuts sort of took advantage of the injury and made the headaches worst... so go figure...
    Last edited by Ntpadude; 11-03-2003 at 03:05 AM.

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