I've been reading the educational forums for about a month now trying to gather as much info as I can so that I can do things right the FIRST time (as I have seen so many people say that they messed up on their first cycle). Anyway, instead of just reading what other peoples cycles have been and doing the same I'd rather give my stats and see if anyone would like to make some recommendations on what I have planned for my very first cycle (ever).
Age: 24
Height: 6'2
weight: 200
Bodyfat: around 12%
Goal: I'm looking to add muscle mass (15-20 pounds is what I'm aiming for) as well as lower my bodyfat as much as possible, and most importantly, keep as much of the gain as I can so the time and money doesn't go to waste.
I'm not willing to take a chance at side effects like GYNO-tits or hair-loss (I have already made a visit to the Dr. to get on propecia to help avoid this), or of course kideny/liver problems. Basically no permanent side affects. All other consequences I'm willing to take on as I'm sure they will pass within the following year once I get off my cycle.
From the information I've gathered I've created this cycle for myself:
10 week cycle:
Deca @ 300 mg for the entire cycle
test cyp @ 400 mg
D-bol for the first 4 weeks for strength (oral)
Bad? Good? Do you recommend a post cycle? What can I do to make sure I keep the gains? I'm worried about the 'test cyp', I really don't want any perma side affects going on. Feel free to spill your heart and true feelings on this post of mine..am I ready?
PS: Please only respond if you know 100% sure of what you're talking about.